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Lozoya: Barbosa asked for a personal favor not to set up a revolt against the Energy Reform

According to the document leaked by various media, the favor would have been requested in 2014, when Barbosa served as coordinator of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). Lozoya Austin specified that she asked her to change her brother from the storage terminal in Guerrero to the central offices of Pemex in Mexico City.

Mexico City, August 20 (However) .— Emilio Lozoya Austin, former director of Petróleos Mexicanos, announced in his complaint filed with the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) that the current Governor of Puebla, Miguel Barbosa, the solicitous “A favor to your brother” in exchange for not making a “revolt” in the approval of the Energetic reform.

According to the document leaked by various media, the favor would have been requested in 2014, when Barbosa was playing as coordinator of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). Lozoya Austin he specified that he asked change to its brother from the storage terminal in Guerrero to the central offices of Pemex in the City of Mexico.

According to the complaint filed by Lozoya, It is explained that after having held said meeting with the then Senator PRD, its petition was answered and a year later, in 2015, Barbosa He thanked this favor, despite the fact that the brother of the now Governor of Puebla only had experience working in the field.

In the statement Lozoya Austin made to the FGR, he accused Peña Nieto of alleged bribery. Photo: Cuartoscuro.

In addition, the document delivered to the FGR on August 11 of this year, detailed that Miguel Barbosa put down the revolt and even Lozoya pointed out that Barbosa “suggested that he continue to be in contact to discuss issues of mutual interest.”

Meanwhile, in the meeting they held in 2015, during Peña Nieto’s visit to England, Barbosa would have thanked Lozoya for the change in his brother after holding a small conversation.


The Governor of Puebla, Luis Miguel Barbosa Huerta, said two days ago that he will file a complaint against Emilio Lozoya Austin, former head of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), for moral damage, after pointing out that he was involved in the delivery of moches in exchange for the approval of the Energy Reform.

Through Twitter, the president reiterated that he never had any contact with Lozoya when he served as director of Pemex, therefore, he did not request or receive any money for his participation in the reform or any other legislative activity.

He clarified that he did not make any labor relocation management of one of his brothers from Guerrero to the central offices of the oil company and indicated that even his brother continues to work as an engineer in a gasoline plant of said company.

The president challenged Emilio Lozoya to present some evidence against him, since he insisted that his position in the Energy Reform was publicly against it and there are records of this in the Senate and in the parliamentary group of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD ) that he coordinated.

Lozoya Austin’s accusations have hit figures from opposition parties, such as the PRD, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the National Action Party (PAN); However, until now this statement has been made known against Barbosa Huerta, who came to the governorship of Puebla at the hands of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), founded by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who carries the fight against corruption in your government.


Francisco Cabeza de Vaca, Governor of Tamaulipas, affirmed that he will respond to the accusations against him made by Emilio Lozoya Austin, former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), who pointed out that he had received bribes for the approval of the Energy Reform.

The Tamaulipas president specified through his Twitter account that he will not allow it to be used for electoral purposes or to hide the country’s serious problems.

“As I said in front of the Government at the Conago meeting: I am not going to allow them to use me for electoral purposes or to hide the country’s serious problems. I will respond with determination to the lies of the confessed criminal Lozoya ”, he commented.

According to the complaint filed by Emilio Lozoya before the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) on August 11, in the case of the Energy Reform promoted the previous six-year term, there was really no negotiation but a series of bribes for its approval.


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