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Lowering hypertension naturally: You will probably no longer need any medication soon

Swimming, like other endurance sports, is the perfect sport for high blood pressure.

© dpa / Fredrik von Erichsen

Taking medicines every day is the fate of many hypertension patients. But that could soon end if you take the following seven tips to heart.

Almost every third German suffers from high blood pressure – according to a study by the Robert Koch Institute. There is no one reason for this, usually it is a mixture of genetic predisposition and an unhealthy lifestyle that causes blood pressure to rise – with dire consequences such as heart attack and stroke.

There are ways to reduce this. The German Society for Hypertension and Prevention (High Pressure League) assumes that half of all Heart attacks and strokes would have to be avoidedif you would do something about hypertension in time.

Lower blood pressure without medication

If the blood pressure is already too high, often only medication will help. But if you take care of yourself and live healthy, you can reduce the medication – but only in consultation with the doctor treating you. If you only have slightly elevated values, you can initially try to lower your blood pressure without medication,

Who every day rushes through the day, indulges in fast food too often and does no sport, risks becoming hypertensive patient. In order to prevent (and lower elevated values) sensibly, the high pressure league advises to change an unhealthy lifestyle.

Stiftung Warentest unveiled: With these remedies you lower the high blood pressure,

Do you have high blood pressure?

Lower your blood pressure naturally with these tips

The most important natural blood pressure lowerers at a glance:

  • overweight to reduce
  • less alcohol drink (not every day and when, then only a maximum of 30 grams – this corresponds to about 0.6 liters of beer or two glasses of wine)

A glass of wine a day? That’s why little alcohol damages your brain,

  • the Smoke best to give up
  • regularly Sports drive (endurance sports such as jogging or swimming are particularly good for the heart and circulation)
  • less salt eat
  • As a general rule eat more balanced (Sugar and saturated fatty acids – contained in butter, meat, milk and coconut oil – better avoided)
  • avoid stress or ensure balance (a regular daily routine with oases to help you relax)

As with many other diseases, nutrition continues to be the focus of research in hypertension. Scientists at the University of Cambridge want to find out that a drink has a particularly positive effect: d
he conventional chamomile tea, Three properties are said to make it the perfect remedy for high blood pressure:

more on the subject: Strengthen the heart with these ten hypotensive foods.

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jg / glomex

Ten hypotensive foods

Cress as a healthy seasoning: If you use herbs and spices, you can refine dishes without salt. Basil, coriander, curry, ginger, thyme, etc. are also part of a balanced diet. Turmeric in particular is said to lower cholesterol and thus prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases. & nbsp; © & nbsp; dpa / Patrick Pleul
Bananas contain a lot of potassium and little sodium and are therefore a real heart strengthener. Other types of fruit and dried fruit are also potassium-rich and low-sodium foods and are therefore suitable for heart-healthy nutrition.
Bananas contain a lot of potassium and little sodium and are therefore a real heart strengthener. Other types of fruit such as apples and dried fruit are also potassium-rich and low-sodium foods and are therefore suitable for heart-healthy nutrition. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Frank Leonhardt / dpa
It is discussed whether a low level of vitamin C in the blood promotes heart diseases. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges but also other fruits such as papaya contain a particularly large amount of vitamin C. This is supposed to strengthen the blood vessels, protect against oxidative stress and inhibit the absorption of cholesterol.
It is discussed whether a low level of vitamin C in the blood promotes heart diseases. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges but also other fruits such as papaya contain a particularly large amount of vitamin C. This is supposed to strengthen the blood vessels, protect against oxidative stress and inhibit the absorption of cholesterol. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Susann Prautsch / dpa
Leafy greens such as spinach contain antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats, thus protecting the arteries. Broccoli is also a real health enhancer with vitamin C, E, potassium, calcium and fiber - all important for a healthy heart.
Leafy greens such as spinach contain antioxidants, fiber and healthy fats, thus protecting the arteries. Broccoli is also a real health enhancer with vitamin C, E, potassium, calcium and fiber – all important for a healthy heart. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Jens Kalaene / dpa
Dark chocolate (at least 70 percent cocoa should be in it) contains flavonoids and other compounds that have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. There is a catch: Chocolate contains a lot of sugar and unhealthy fat, which is why you shouldn’t eat it in rough quantities. Raw cocoa is a healthy alternative.
Dark chocolate (at least 70 percent cocoa should be in it) contains flavonoids and other herbal compounds that have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. There is a catch: Chocolate contains a lot of sugar and unhealthy fat, which is why you shouldn’t eat it in rough quantities. Raw cocoa is a healthy alternative. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Oliver Berg / dpa
Omega-3 fatty acids are said to increase good cholesterol, inhibit inflammation in the body and reduce the risk of heart disease. A lot is contained in sea fish such as trout, mackerel, salmon and sardine. Good omega-3 suppliers are also seeds like chia and sesame.
Omega-3 fatty acids are said to increase good cholesterol, inhibit inflammation in the body and reduce the risk of heart disease. A lot is contained in sea fish such as trout, mackerel, salmon and sardine. Good omega-3 suppliers are also seeds such as chia and sesame. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Daniel Bockwoldt / dpa
Those who eat fiber frequently reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Especially legumes such as lentils and beans provide a lot of fiber, but also whole grains, cereals like amaranth and spelled, fruits and vegetables.
Those who eat fiber frequently reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Especially legumes such as lentils and beans provide a lot of fiber, but also whole grains, cereals like amaranth and spelled, fruits and vegetables. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Andreas Gebert / dpa
Blueberries provide many antioxidants that protect the cells and thus the blood vessels. Therefore, they are said to have a heart-healthy effect. Other berries also have this effect.
Blueberries provide many antioxidants that protect the cells and thus the blood vessels. Therefore, they are said to have a heart-healthy effect. Other berries also have this effect. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Mohssen Assanimoghaddam / dpa
Garlic acts to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Garlic acts to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Sven Hoppe / dpa
Nuts contain healthy fats and fiber and therefore make them the perfect ingredient for heart-healthy nutrition.
Nuts contain healthy fats and fiber and therefore make them the perfect ingredient for heart-healthy nutrition. & nbsp; © & nbsp; Gregor Fischer / dpa

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