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Lower Saxony & Bremen: Mäurer: Continue to defend basic values ​​against extremism

Lower Saxony & Bremen
Mäurer: Continue to defend basic values ​​against extremism

The Office for the Protection of the Constitution is also observing numerous extremists in Bremen. Both left-wing and right-wing milieus have militant members who do not shy away from violence.

Bremen (dpa / lni) – The number of politically motivated crimes from the left-wing extremist scene has decreased slightly in Bremen. A total of 230 such offenses were registered last year, including 19 acts of violence, as can be seen from the 2021 report for the protection of the constitution, which Bremen’s Senator for the Interior, Ulrich Mäurer, presented on Friday. In 2020 there were 237 and 26, respectively. The SPD politician warned that left-wing extremism was still characterized by a high level of militancy, which has been expressed in arson attacks for years.

The authorities also reported declining numbers from the right-wing spectrum, to which 211 crimes, including six violent crimes, were attributed in the previous year. In 2020 there were 277 or twelve. With a view to the overall situation, Mäurer emphasized that the basic democratic order must be consistently continued every day against the background of increasing threats. The report makes that abundantly clear.

In the field of Islamism, there are according to the information, despite a decreasing trend, many Salafists, whose number is still disproportionately large compared to the city states. There are around 75 Salafists per 100,000 inhabitants in the state of Bremen. In Hamburg there are almost 29 and in Berlin around 30, informed Bremen’s head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Dierk Schittkowski. He pointed to an increasing fragmentation of the Salafist scene. “We are noticing a worrying digital professionalization, favored by the ongoing corona pandemic,” emphasized Schittkowski.

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