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Low water pressure in the Boisé de la Marconi sector: citizens are getting impatient

WATER. “When I built my house in 2009, no one told me that the water pressure was low. It is in a way a hidden defect, ”says Claude Pellerin, owner of a residence in the Boisé de la Marconi district.

Claude Pellerin deplores that the City of Drummondville has still not resolved the problem, which has been going on for several years now.

He had the pressure tested in his home by employees of the City of Drummondville on several occasions. She hovers around 40 pounds, according to her. “Normally it should be around 60-70 pounds,” he says.

“Our quality of life is diminished. When I fill a cauldron, it takes a long time. My sprinkler system cost me more because it took special bits from me. We have an umbrella shower that we cannot use, lists Benoit Martel, Claude Pellerin’s roommate. The dishwasher is less efficient, etc. ”

These residents of rue Lapalme are not the only ones who live with these inconveniences on a daily basis. Others in their neighborhood have also complained about the problem to their city councilor, John Husk.

“Personally, it doesn’t affect my quality of life, but it’s true that the shower pressure is lower and the tap water flows less quickly in the kitchen. It was a bit disturbing when I put the peat on my land and we had to water it, ”said Yann Dupuis, who lives in the neighboring house. This father has already questioned Mr. Husk on this subject.

Alain Landry, who lives on Volta Street, believes the situation “is problematic”. “It’s mostly between 6pm and 7pm at night. I have to give the bath to my two young children and it takes a long time to fill it. The flowing net is as big as a finger, ”he says.

He questioned the City several times on this subject. “We are told that there are studies in progress. In the end, nothing has changed for years. I have the impression that the City does not give a damn, ”adds Alain Landry, who fears that the construction of the primary school at the entrance to the district will accentuate the problem.

Citizens demand a solution

The City of Drummondville recognizes that there is a problem in the area and has even studied the possibility of installing a booster specifically for the Boisé de la Marconi district. This solution was ultimately rejected.

“The specialists in the file are not convinced that this is the right solution, because this equipment could potentially cause repercussions in the surrounding sectors, including the Saint-Philippe district, where the pressure is also lower than average. It is necessary to find a comprehensive solution which will not create new problems. The situation is complex ”, wrote in December 2019 John Husk, Councilor of District 5, in an email to Claude Pellerin.

According to this same email, the City would have planned the necessary budgets to continue the search for solutions in 2020.

It also held an information evening on February 10, about the pressure of the water served in the neighborhood. According to Mr. Pellerin, about fifteen citizens were present.

“There will be no solution anytime soon. What we understood following this meeting is that we must install an individual water booster adjacent to our house, ”underlines Claude Pellerin.

He also asked for a quote from a company in the region that does this kind of installation. “With the installation of the booster, it would cost us nearly $ 2,500,” he explains, showing the submission to L’Express. We pay our taxes like everyone else, I don’t think it’s up to us to pay that. In the long term, we will also have to pay for maintenance ”.

Alain Landry is of the same opinion: “If the solution is to install a booster on our houses, the City should bear the costs”.

Target the problem

In the City, L’Express was able to speak with Jean-François Daigle, director of the Engineering Department, who explains that the problem must first be targeted before identifying the best solution.

“Since 2009, we have received nine queries about low water pressure in this area, a few of which were written by the same person, and we have done studies to identify the problem while others are in progress. Classes. The first observation is that the pressure is correct. It is 45 pounds, according to what we could verify. It is 40 to 80 pounds in general in Drummondville. We are continuing to investigate, because it is important to target the problem well before applying the most advantageous solution, ”said Mr. Daigle.

According to him, there are a few hypotheses, but the Engineering Department is keen to make the necessary validations before moving forward. Asked about the relevance of erecting a supressor in this sector, Mr. Daigle replied that this was one of the solutions that could be considered.

Regarding the repercussions that the arrival of the primary school in the Boisé de la Marconi sector may have on the water pressure, the municipal engineer underlined that after having made checks, a drop in pressure is not expected.

Mr. Daigle added that his department will be back in the field by the end of the spring and, following the most recent studies, will be able to know what to expect next fall.

The newspaper offered city councilor John Husk on Monday morning to provide his point of view on the matter, but it has not yet been possible to obtain it.

With the collaboration of Jean-Pierre Boisvert

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