Home » today » Technology » Low Popularity of RTX 4080 Could Lead to Release of RTX 4080 Super at Lower Price: Industry Reports

Low Popularity of RTX 4080 Could Lead to Release of RTX 4080 Super at Lower Price: Industry Reports

Since its introduction, the RTX 4000 series of video cards has been replenished with a number of devices that have been more or less popular depending on performance and price.

Less popular chips include the RTX 4080. According to blogger Moore’s Law Is Dead, known for leaks, retailers are now having difficulty distributing the RTX 4080; moreover, many companies have completely refused to order new chips from Nvidia.

The main reason for the low popularity of the RTX 4080 is the price. But this situation can be beneficial for gamers. Low sales could push Nvidia to release a more powerful video card at a similar price. This is indicated by recent reports according to which the “greens” are now working on a new series of chips labeled Super, one of which should be the RTX 4080 Super.

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