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Low planes, glaciers and mountains: from popstar to iceberg – today, 90 years ago, Pluto is discovered

Prior years, Pluto lost its status as a Planet. Yet the iceberg has many speakers who want to change it again.

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von dpa

February 18, 2020, 7:05 pm

Flagstaff / Hamburg | Hardly a celestial body raises the spheres like the Pluto iceberg on the edge of our solar system: Even more than for a decade, the discussion on its degradation to dwarf planets continues, …

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ee “rWd nonlslvi cohn iwaehcsnftsilsch eitfernhrw” üed

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In addition to this, fishwfle red Snueod-tloP New “n” szroHio, Aaln rneSt furnace red hRUdheaurSa-fbetmör Nsa, and seht Ptoul rgne eeirwt in the dlfzeoieinfl rupeG in the lnp.tnaeen of the efha. trai in Wnoaithsn: g “cIh nib rehi will Cs-aehNfa mu hceu uz s, nega ssda hic lgbuae, asds Pluto not sit tenalP, exploit ihc wdere uhca twienrhei laenl gasne, ssda touPl ein tPaeln .st” i Dei nerksets izoso “n, Mr. 0251 ulPto ehcbtsu hte, ta drneoreertf eeni wntegrueNube erd, fintnuEsug ettenrtramiegu .er

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