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Low oxygen saturation while self-isolating? Do these 3 things

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. If you are infected with the corona virus and have to self-isolate at home, there is one thing that must be done. Namely, checking oxygen levels in the body periodically using a pulse oximeter.

Launching information from the Ministry of Health, it is important to measure oxygen saturation to determine saturation conditions. As a result, if the saturation is low, action can be taken immediately.

How to do it?

A simple way that can be done when the patient is self-isolating at home is the proning technique.

There are three proning positions that can be done. First, lie on your stomach for 30 minutes. In this position, you lie on your stomach with a pillow under your neck, hips and legs.

Second, lie on the right side within 30 minutes. In this position, use a pillow under the neck, hips and clamped both legs.

Also Read: Oximeter, a device for monitoring oxygen levels during self-isolation at home

Third, lying down while sitting for 30 minutes. In this position, use a pillow support in a semi-sitting position.

Also during this technique, try to be in a room with good air circulation.

“If this technique has been done often but has not been able to increase oxygen saturation in the body, immediately go to the nearest health facility to get further medical treatment,” explained the Ministry of Health.

Also Read: This aspect is important to apply so that self-isolation is comfortable and safe

Oxygen saturation level

You should also know the oxygen saturation level and how to handle it.

  • 95-100 : In good condition
  • 93-94: Need to lie down to increase oxygen levels

Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie

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