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Lovers who were going to get married died in an accident near Chernigov

The accident happened on December 7

Young people studied and worked in absentia to raise money for the wedding. They were 23 years old.

In an accident in the Chernihiv region, which occurred on December 7, a couple in love died. The young people were going to get married. This is reported by the edition RadioTrek.

Yaroslav Veremienko and Victoria Gurin were 23 years old. On that day, they rode a shuttle bus to work together. The guy studied in absentia and worked in a call center. The lovers collected money for the wedding.

Before the funeral, Yaroslav’s mother became ill, an ambulance was called for her. The woman has this only son. Neighbors speak of the guy as calm and kind, never offending anyone.

Let us remind you that on the morning of December 7 on the road N-27 Chernigov-Gremyach DAF truck collides with minibus Mercedes Sprinter. The minibus driver and 12 passengers were killed. Six more people were injured. The truck driver was taken into custody… He does not admit his guilt in the accident. Victims of a large-scale accident buried on December 9… We add that Cabinet created a commission to investigate the causes of an accident near Chernigov. The Commission will submit a report on the causes of the fatal road accident by January 31, 2022.

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