The film “Fast and Furious 5: Strike in Rio” was watched by 81,194 viewers in ten days on the screen in our country and collected BGN 654,983 from tickets.
The fifth in a row “Fast and Furious”, evaluated by the critics as the best of those that have appeared on the screen so far, for the second weekend in a row is the leader of the Bulgarian box office, summarizing the data from the cinemas in our country, reports BTA. The film “Fast and Furious 5: Strike in Rio” was watched by 81,194 viewers in the ten days on the screen in our country and collected BGN 654,983 from tickets.
In second place among the most watched films in Bulgaria is the three-dimensional action-story “Thor: God of Thunder”. The film, based on a Marvel comic book, has already been watched by 66,829 viewers and has collected BGN 694,289 in revenue for 17 days on the screen in our country.
Last weekend’s premier action film “Priest” is in third position. The 3D story was watched by 5,920 people and collected BGN 65,328 from tickets.
The animated film, telling in 3D the story of a pair of rare species of parrots – “Rio”, is in the fourth position with nearly 91 thousand viewers in a month and a half on the screen and over BGN 900 thousand from tickets.
The comedy “Bachelors of the Week” is in fifth place at the box office with a total of 10,814 viewers and BGN 86,180 revenue for its first ten days on the screen.
The Bulgarian tape “” by the director Iliyan Djevelekov is in the sixth position at the box office, in which it is already the seventh weekend. The film was watched by 175,103 viewers and earned BGN 1,193,221, making it the second highest-grossing Bulgarian film after “Mission London”.
The romantic story “Water for Elephants”, which premiered on May 13, is in seventh position, having been watched by a total of 1,267 people and collecting BGN 10,732 from tickets.
The Italian-Bulgarian “Goodbye, Mom!” of Michel Bonev is in eighth position. During this week, the tape collected 593 viewers and 4696 BGN from tickets. During its ten days on the screen, the film was watched by a total of 3,490 viewers and collected BGN 24,399 from sales.
The animated “The Adventures of Sami” is in ninth position, as the story about the adventures of the little turtle was watched by 6,754 people in our country for nearly a month and collected BGN 65,412 from tickets.
The action-thriller “The Lawyer with Lincoln” is in the tenth position. The film with Matthew McConaughey has been in Bulgarian cinemas since April 21st, and has been watched by 11,973 viewers so far and has BGN 84,119 in tickets. #BGN #million #passes