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“Love is in the meadow”: “My blood is boiling but my tip doesn’t smell”

A few notes of music launching the chorus of the pop hit “Haven’Met You Yet” by Michael Bublé, the image of a wasp pollinating a large sunflower… And the high-pitched voice of Karine Le Marchand, recognizable among a thousand… Yes, here we go again for a new season of “L’Amour est dans le pré”, the 19th, still on M6. While the previous vintage had only ended with one couple, that formed by the most emblematic candidates of 2023, Patrice and Justine, how many will there be this year to start again as a couple?

“It’s a year full of twists and turns with lots of love,” the host promised us. And the fans, still numerous, of this program (4 million viewers on average) are asking for more. The Olympic Games are over… Make way for love in this first episode! After a zapping of the best moments to come, between tears, arguments and romantic escapades, the production in voice-over, reminds us that three candidates whose portraits had been broadcast are missing.

So this year Cyril, the wine grower from Gironde, Guy the beef cattle farmer from Mayenne and Damien, the cereal farmer from Lot-et-Garonne, are out. “They are no longer part of the game for their own reasons,” explains the host, “but in the last nineteen years, nearly 90 babies have been born,” she reminds us to kick off the hostilities.

Two friends, Gilou and Renaud, open the season

This vintage is marked by a first: two friends, Gilou and Renaud, are participating in the experience at the same time. And these friends, who share their passions for karaoke, Johnny Hallyday and “trut” (a card game), have the honor of opening the season. For the occasion, Karine Le Marchand is waiting for them, in a total purple look, at the entrance to the barge where the two friends will try their hand at the tough test of speed dating.

Exceptional circumstances require exceptional rules: the host invites Renaud to attend Gilou’s meetings with her backstage. The dashing septuagenarian will put on a show for them by discovering, in a limited time as required by the exercise, his suitors. There are ten of them, all dolled up, coming from all over France to meet him.

He likes Mary, he looks her up and down

The first, a certain Marie, leaves with an advantage: Gilou loves Johnny’s eponymous song and twists the lyrics by singing “Oh Marie if you knew, all the good I can do you…”, he says in the preamble before adding: “I feel that she has something of Tenezzzi in her” flaying the American state, Tennessee. The tone is set. He likes Marie, he scrutinizes her from top to bottom. Good point for her, she swears to him: “I miss Johnny a lot too”

Then Gilou gets to the heart of the matter. “I warn you, I am very physical, I like to touch and then I also said that I shoot up, that I take the blue pill (the Viagra), doesn’t that bother you? ” “Not at all, because when we need it, we use it,” the bubbly 69-year-old retiree replies. Logically, after such an exchange, Gilou seems charmed. But he’s not at the end of his surprises.

In red and black, high boots, Colette catches his eye

In red and black, with high boots, Colette, who comes from the Ardennes, catches his eye and attacks him directly in his own game of bawdy jokes. “It was long (before arriving) but everything that is good is long,” she says as she arrives in front of him. Their meeting will be the subject of a festival of wordplay. While Gilou says he has chills, she answers him: “My blood is boiling but I don’t have the end that smells.” Even Karine Le Marchand who is observing the exchange is shocked, that’s saying something. “She’s fantastic, that one,” notes the host. At least they have the same sense of humor, those two.”

Despite their common points, and their obvious complicity, Gilou will ultimately prefer Isabelle and Marie, his first crush. How will their stay at the farm go? One thing is certain, Gilou promises to be one of the emblematic figures of this year.

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