Tatyana Brukhunova became the legal wife of a humorist and TV presenter in 2019. This event was preceded by a spicy love story in which there was no place for Elena Stepanenko.
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With his previous wife, Yevgeny Petrosyan lived for more than 30 years. The couple never got children together, but from the outside they looked really happy. Everything changed when information was leaked to the press about the departure of the hot TV presenter from the family. The act of the father, by the way, was also condemned by the daughter of Evgeny Vaganovich Victorina, who to this day has not been able to establish relations with his young chosen one.
The division of the jointly acquired property of Petrosyan and Stepanenko continued for several years. During this time, the artist not only managed to formalize relations with a former assistant, but also acquired a long-awaited heir. Tatyana Brukhunova now proudly flaunts the grown-up Vagan, who, according to fans, is a copy of her father.
Happy spouses do not forget about joint rest. Note that Petrosyan, after the wedding with a brown-haired woman, noticeably rejuvenated. The wife surrounded the elderly chosen one with attention and love, so that the rumors about the couple’s divorce, which now and then appear in the press, clearly do not reflect the real state of affairs. Recently, the star couple again went abroad. That’s just Istanbul, on which Tatyana had a lot of hopes, as a result, greatly disappointed the socialite.
“Love didn’t happen! Sooo dirty. The homeless are lying, eating, sleeping everywhere. They smoke everywhere and everything!” Tatyana made an emotional statement.
It’s curious that Evgeny Petrosyan continues to miss Elena Stepanenko. Despite the scandalous parting, the artist allegedly seriously hoped to keep his wife not only warm friendships, but also a duet … However, these dreams, apparently, were not destined to come true, the ex-wife was too offended by him.
Source: Instagram*
Photo source: Larisa Kudryavtseva
*The organization is banned on the territory of the Russian Federation