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love at first sight for a suitor? He publishes an enigmatic message!

Mathieu will be part of the next seasons of Love is in the meadow. His portrait already appeals to fans of the show very much and they hope he will meet love. The presenter of Love is in the meadow, Karine Le Marchand announced on her Instagram account the end of speed shooting dating dated June 21. And it seems that it went very well for Mathieu. It is in any case the question burning the lips of the fans. Because the last publication of his Instagram profile seems to indicate, on June 23, that the start of the September season promises to be hot!

Love is in the meadow looks moving as possible, maybe already love in the air for Mathieu

Love is in the meadow makes great promises to his fans. But also to farmers and breeders who have joined this edition. For the 15th season, Love is in the meadow will try to help more than a dozen participants find love. The public is really anxious to find the candidates. By discovering their profiles, Mathieu, a breeder of terreaux in the Camargue, is already one of the favorites. And as with all candidates, the public wholeheartedly hopes that they can meet the love of their lives.

We were in March, in the middle of a pandemic, when we discovered the new participants. The portrait of Mathieu was then that of a 44-year-old man. Tender, sentimental and passionate about the Camargue, in search of the man of his life. He also added that he was not necessarily going to dwell on the appearance because it’s the connection that matters most to him. He thus confided in the journalists of 20 minutes and explained the main thing was that the person was fun and that he could make him laugh.

Pandemic puts fans’ patience to the test

But the pandemic and the confinement have suspended filming. And it is only very recently that they have finally been able to resume. To the delight of fans, candidates and Karine Le Marchand. It was then June 13. Indeed, a whole month will have passed between May 11, the official date of the deconfinement and the resumption of filming. Love is in the meadow will therefore be released in September if all past as expected. And we must admit that the public is getting impatient. Indeed, one of Mathieu’s publications increases the already untenable suspense. According to fans of Love is in the meadow, Mathieu did not remain indifferent to his meetings during the filming of speed dating.

While Mathieu kisses Karine Le Marchand on the cheek, the description of the photo indicates that the young man is in heaven. Could it be then because he would have already flashed on one of his contenders ? This is what its subscribers seem to think in comments. But Mathieu does not sell the wick so that we are all in front of our screens next September.

Mathieu is he already falling for one of his suitors?

And another reason that makes us think that Mathieu is already charmed by a handsome young man is the publication on the Instagram account of the presenter of Love is in the meadow. Indeed, Karine Le Marchand shares a video in which she is next to Mathieu. She announces to her fans the end of the shootings for speed dating. And Mathieu is not proud by his side. He is all red, as embarrassed or moved. Karine request to Mathieu confirmation by telling his subscribers that this was a crazy speed dating. What Mathieu nods without being asked. And he even thanks Karine Le Marchand for this moment. A moment that will certainly remain unforgettable for Mathieu.

It is obvious that both seem to know much more than they want to tell us. Mathieu seems in any case determined to find love. And Karine Le Marchand to do her best to make the candidates’ dreams come true. We will still have to be patient to find Love is in the meadow. While the broadcast of the show should have taken place in March and April, we are forced to wait until the start of the new school year in September. The pandemic has left no choice for anyone. We will therefore know in about two months if the handsome Mathieu has found a man who will fill him. And that’s all we can wish him, him and all the other candidates.

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