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Lourdes: “Important to mobilize to increase stocks”, blood donation to be revived for the start of the school year

The French Blood Establishment is organizing a collection at the Lourdes convention center until Wednesday evening. A strong mobilization of donors is expected during this back-to-school period in order to replenish stocks after the summer.

This Tuesday, September 3rd, early in the afternoon, less than two hours after the start of the collection, 17 people have already crossed the doors of the Lourdes convention center to give blood, including three for the first time… Until this Wednesday evening, the French Blood Establishment (EFS) is expecting nearly 160 donors on this mobile collection in the Marian city. A strong mobilization hoped for (as always, moreover), but all the more so during this back-to-school period when stocks must be replenished after the summer.

“Summer is the most complicated season because there are fewer donations with everyone’s holidays,” emphasizes Dr. Marie-Christine Guehl, regional head of blood donations at the EFS. “But for blood donation, mobilization must be constant, because the needs are constant throughout the year. This requires around 1,000 donations per day in Occitanie and 10,000 nationally.” With 12 days of reserve, the regional stock is currently “low”, without being alarming. “It is important to mobilize to restore the weakened stocks at the end of summer,” she continues.

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In addition to the Tarbes donation center (open Monday to Friday except Wednesday), the EFS organizes collections every day “as close as possible to people” in the department, in municipalities (such as currently in Lourdes), businesses or schools… “The collections never stop. There is bound to be one near you in the coming weeks, says Dr. Marie-Christine Guehl. Anyone between 18 and 70 years old, who weighs more than 50 kg and is in good health, can donate blood! There are a few contraindications but most are temporary… You should not exclude yourself from giving blood.” The EFS also reminds us that a single blood donation can help three different patients. In other words, in one hour, you can save 3 lives!

A gesture of solidarity that Nanou, a 70-year-old woman from Lourdes, has been making for over 50 years: “As long as I can, I will continue to give blood. But I have a hard time convincing my nephews, nieces and even my son to give even just once a year…” As a reminder, women can donate blood up to four times a year, compared to six for men.

“There is no need to worry about going to donate blood. I have been donating for 20 years and I am doing very well,” adds Franck (57 years old), at the snack time after his blood test, who never misses a collection in Lourdes. For me, it is very important. People need it. It is a good deed that can be done quickly, in less than an hour.”

In Lourdes, for these two days of collection until Wednesday evening, the two drivers, three nurses and two doctors from the EFS mobilized can count on the support of several volunteers, but also of the Rotary club of Lourdes who came to help “improve” the post-donation snack… Delicious quiches, pizzas and other cakes to enjoy to regain strength; and one more reason to come and give blood.

Please note: blood drive in Lourdes, at the convention center (4 avenue du Maréchal Foch), September 3 and 4, 2024 from 11:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m.

To make an appointment or find the collection closest to you: dondesang.efs.sante.fr/trouver-une-collecte

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