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Lourdes cave monument in Oosterpark destroyed: statue of Mary disappeared

An unknown perpetrator, presumably last night, demolished the statue of Mary from the Lourdes cave monument in the Oosterpark. The question is whether the statue will still be found.

A spokesperson for the East district says that the district received a report this morning about the destruction. The spokesperson does say that the National Monument is the property of Hotel Arena on ‘s-Gravesandestraat. The hotel should therefore file a report.

“We are very sorry, because it is a very important statue for the Oosterpark,” said the spokesperson. “We hope the statue will be found and restored soon.”

CDA party chairman Diederik Boomsma calls it a disgrace. “If national monuments are damaged, a declaration must always be made and the municipality must follow up. Why hide. That is not a private matter.”

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