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Louis Gallois, the boss who understood everything at Seine-Saint-Denis

Through their work, the inhabitants of “9-3” have enabled Ile-de-France to continue operating during the health crisis. And in thanks? Nothing. All right, do we lip service to the excess mortality of commuters. In the face of government inaction, only one strong voice emerges, that of Louis Gallois, a boss who tries to be social and who pleads for solidarity between the rich and the poor. Either listen to it or it will be chaos.

During the confinement, the nation held out thanks to the nurses and doctors, but also thanks to the garbage collectors, delivery men, cashiers, police officers… Many of those who occupy these jobs among the lowest paid live in the suburbs. The Seine-Saint-Denis department has paid a heavy price for this bastard virus: + 63% of deaths compared to the rest of the country.

The city center, leech of the suburbs

The fault of degraded health, with for example obesity, access to
more difficult care in these neglected areas, in apartments
overcrowded, and having to travel by public transport or
having long queues in food stores … so many
mandatory outings, conducive to the spread of the virus.

Because, and we already know all that, there are fewer doctors, teachers, police officers, in fact, in Courneuve than in Paris, as demonstrated Atlas of territorial inequalities. A high school student from Henri IV costs the state more than a high school student from Saint-Denis, because he faces more qualified and experienced teachers, who cost more. So when you hear that “the suburbs cost us dearly”, know that it is exactly the opposite: it is the city centers that feed on the riches of the suburbs, starting with his arms and his brains.

The rich save, the poor eat

During containment, the economy collapsed because its main driver, consumption, stopped. The – very – bad news is that those who can buy lots of useless gadgets, the middle and upper classes, continue to save a lot, because of the queues in front of the stores, delivery problems, cinemas and other beauty salons always closed. , and especially because they are freaked out for the future.

INSEE thus forecasts an 11% or 12% recession this year,
what no one in this country has ever experienced, except if they have lived in years
1930 in Germany. If nothing is done, unemployment will therefore increase by at least
a million people. This prospect is paralyzing.

Here “department” means “poverty”

Only in the 93, which spends annually the sum of 500 million euros, half a billion therefore, just for the RSA, the increase in the number of beneficiaries should be at least 10%. But it is well known that the rich 93 will easily find the 50 million they lack.

Of course, the state is not inactive. After dropping 8 billion euros for electric SUVs and 7 billion for Air France pedal planes, he gave 4.5 billion to the departments, who pay social assistance. The only small problem is that, according to the report of a deputy En Marche, the needs of the departments are rather of the order of 7.5 billion … Macron therefore continues to strangle them, after having lowered their endowment, having deprived them of ” a share of the housing tax, etc. Nice for a Môssieur who praises the capacity of society to self-organize without constantly appealing to the State.

Poor poor

Fortunately, in this sinister picture, a frail voice emerges. That of
Louis Gallois, 76, current President of the Federation of stakeholders in the
solidarity, and former CEO of Snecma, Aerospace, SNCF and Airbus,
not exactly a joke or a sweet dreamer.

As he notes, it is the poor who spend all their
lean money, often in addition to local products, not these stingers
retired pensioners who directly pass the rents they collect on
their booklet A, without going through the supermarket checkout!

In addition, Louis notes that 18–25 year olds are not entitled to the RSA, even though they pay taxes and social security contributions when they work. And, above all, their poverty rate is the highest of the age groups of the population: 20% of them burst the slab, or one in five, compared to 14%, or one in seven, of the general population.

And the lowest poverty rate is that of the poor, those of the
golden generation of baby boomers, who are only 8% to be poor, one in
twelve, and you have to go to the nursing home, well, that’s fine.

Solidarity or chaos

Louis therefore asks that 18–25 year olds can survive thanks to public charity, that social minima are increased, and that millions of missing homes are built. A simple and effective program, which any government with a minimum of intelligence would immediately implement, in the very interest of businesses, which will soon no longer have a single client as people become unemployed, or in misery, one after the other.

But Gérald, Bruno, Édouard and Emmanuel like to persist in the error. So they go continue their policy of lowering corporate taxes, which empties the state coffers without creating jobs.

Louis saw, however, in our country, ” hungry people ” He has not forgotten that it is not the enarchs and engineers who make the country go round, but the lowest paid. He calls for higher taxes on the better off.

For Louis, ” We would not understand that this solidarity is not expressed, because it is the poor who paid the crisis for the pricet. Saint Louis, pray for the children of Seine-Saint-Denis, they have only you.

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