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Lottery: Werner Kozwara – On the 8th day God created the lawyer

In the organizer’s words:

The classic of German cabaret.

This program received the highest award that German cabaret can bestow: with a season of over 22 years and more than 1500 performances, it is the most frequently performed program in German-language cabaret.
The “Bonner Generalsanzeiger” speaks of “one of the best programs of the past decade”. The FAZ judges: “In his rhetorically brilliant program, Koczwara proves what we are actually dealing with in laws: namely with the funniest of all text genres.”

“Am achten Tag schuf Gott den Rechtsanwalt” is “a miracle”, according to the “Schwäbische Zeitung”, because “how can you make such a funny cabaret about a seemingly dry subject like justice?”

The program sets new standards in terms of punchline density, is superbly black-humorous, intelligent and highly entertaining. No other nation in the world has produced such a wealth of laws and paragraphs as we Germans. We simply regulate everything: marriage in the event of unconsciousness (§1314 BGB) and the proper placement of warning triangles during funeral processions (§27 StVO). And the legislator then puts this into language that even lawyers can hardly understand.

There is only one self-defense against this: laughter! With Werner Koczwara, we end up laughing at ourselves. Extensively and with class.

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Price information:

Free tickets at 040-55565556 or by e-mail to Vvk at almahoppe.de

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