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Loto draw for this Monday, June 06, 2022

The rules for playing the lottery remain the same for the lotto draws for this Monday, June 06, 2022. The pot at stake amounted to 8 million euros for the next draw. In order to try your luck and try to win the lottery, you must first pay a sum of 2.20 euros when buying the grid. That’s not all, you still have to tick the winning combination formed by 5 normal numbers and a lucky number.

Lotto games: 6 successive draws without a big winner

Indeed, the jackpot offered for the big winner of the lottery draw has not been won for more than a week. Thereby, it went from 2 million euros to 8 million euros for this Monday evening’s draw. As with the 5 lottery draws that precede it, the game on Saturday June 4th evening also did not allow a player to win the jackpot which was set at 7 million euros.

The winning combination of today’s first draw was however formed by the normal numbers 6.9, 17, 23, 42 and by the lucky number 5. Indeed, this lucky number, which is rarely drawn and which is also one of the numbers that appear the least during lotto draws, was played this Saturday evening when the majority of players were not expecting it.

In addition to this, the result of the lotto of the second draw was formed by the numbers 13, 31, 42, 43, 44. Again, the chances of finding this combination were minimal. Moreover, it has been observed that players are not used to ticking consecutive numbers. They tend to vary the numbers they choose to maximize their chances of winning.

The rules of the lotto draw for this Monday, June 06 evening

As usual, this draw will be the first lotto draw of the week. It will take place around 8:15 p.m. and offers a chance for all players to pocket the jackpot of 8 million euross in play this time. The rules of the game do not change. You must first be 18 years or older to play these games of chance.

Participation also requires the purchase of at least one grid, of which the price is 2.20 euros. Of course, this bet will vary depending on the number of numbers you want to tick in addition to the 5 basic numbers provided. Note that ticking several numbers will increase your chances of winning, but will cost you more.

Play on the FDJ website!

As the Française des Jeux offers two lotto draws in one evening, it is still better to point out that the bet of 2.20 euros will only allow you to participate in the first draw. Replaying your 5 normal numbers during the second draw requires the payment of an additional bet of 0.80 euros. This sets your participation fees for all lottery draws at 3 euros.

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