Home » today » Business » Lot: the choir in family and in business, the stroke of genius signed Claire Aberlenc and Alexis Gibert

Lot: the choir in family and in business, the stroke of genius signed Claire Aberlenc and Alexis Gibert

the essential
The idea of ​​Claire Aberlenc and Alexis Gibert hits the mark among those who have the cicada spirit. Soul is their universe. The voice of Claire and the guitar of Alexis take you into this music in family and in business where they offer singing courses.

Artists whoever they are have this unique magical capacity to create and invent. In their specific case, singer Claire Aberlenc and guitarist Alexis Gibert also demonstrate that they also know how to “reinvent themselves”, they say, to explain how they managed to keep their activity alive while the Covid-19 did not stand tall. them than a wall of prohibitions and desolation.

“We first tried to organize video rehearsals during the first confinement. We quickly became disillusioned. The latency observed during these rehearsals was a big disappointment for all of us. We couldn’t go on like this, but we still wanted to sing and make others sing, ”explains Claire.

Sometimes groups of 8 to 10 people

“We then created the website thesoulfamily.fr with a member area and the possibility of working desk by desk at home, ”continues Claire.
Not ideal for meeting the demands of choral singing and rediscovering the pleasure of this artistic practice.

“Getting together and singing with the masks was not also a viable solution,” adds Alexis. The idea of ​​home and business internships was born from this observation. On the menu: soul, blues, gospel, funk, reggae, folk, rock… “People ask us, sometimes groups of 8 to 10 people for a day. Entire families ”explains Alexis.

“Singing is taking care of yourself and getting naked”

“We sit in the garden most of the time. This corresponds to about 6 hours of work. It is a real family relaxation which also allows each family to meet and see some of their members again. The mind is good-natured. We’re having a lot of fun, ”enthuses the duo.

Main objective of the family course: the pleasure of singing.

Conscious of doing the greatest good to families who revel in this great bowl of cultural oxygen after trying confinements, Claire and Alexis have decided to extend their concept to companies by also organizing choir courses in companies that will call on their. This “in the context of quality of life and well-being at work. You have to dare. Singing is taking care of yourself and getting naked with confidence, ”the duo concludes with one voice. The voice of soul.

Two courses for the general public this summer

Claire Aberlenc and Alexis Gibert already have many anecdotes to tell after the first courses with several families.

Alexis Gibert is as comfortable in improv as in cult pieces from the musical genres he loves.

Alexis Gibert is as comfortable in improv as in cult pieces from the musical genres he loves.
Photo DDM, J.-L.G.

“Sometimes the neighbors who have heard the family choir near their house, wait for us at the end of a workshop, to ask us who we are and what we do. It’s nice, ”says Alexis. In addition to family and corporate internships, the LabCulture association organizes workshops for the general public led by Claire and Alexis and on July 24 and 25 at the Bégoux village hall, then on August 28 and 29 from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 30:30 and 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., in a location to be determined.

Course prices: € 70 per person for the weekend and € 10 for membership in the LabCulture Association (for the year). Contacts: Tel: 06 74 08 20 15; [email protected]; website : thesoulfamily.fr

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