Lucile Lock, sophrologist at the MSP of Prayssac in the Lot. (© Actu Lot)
Lucile Lock, sophrologist at the multidisciplinary health center of Prayssac, in the valley of Lot, proposed in April 2020 Free sophrology sessions in order to successfully relax, de-stress and overcome the anxiety of the health crisis.
In this month of March 2021, it has been a year since the health crisis created major upheavals in the pace of everyone. Lucile Lock offers consultations at the Multidisciplinary Health House (MSP) or remotely during this period of health crisis which can provide some solutions to help relax.
We met her.
Sophrology during the crisis
News: What is sophrology used for in this time of health crisis?
Lucile Lock : To manage the stress generated by this situation, the uncertainties, the isolation … This teleconsultation solution works. It allows personalized support at the time that suits you. Containment to fight the spread of the coronavirus can be experienced as a stressful, even scary, ordeal. Sophrology uses a set of techniques that act both on the body and on the mind.
Can you tell us how the year 2020 has unfolded at the MSP since the start of the health crisis?
L. L. : The first confinement was a shock: everyone, or almost everyone, stayed at home. Thanks to the applications, I was able to carry out follow-ups by video. I had also offered free sessions for people stressed by the situation of confinement or risk of contamination. The meetings were actually postponed to the following months, particularly in May. Since then my activity is stable.
Do you see more people?
L. L. : I mainly see a difference on the type of problem.
Stress, anxiety, isolation at work
What do you work on the most?
L. L. : I encounter more cases of stress, anxiety, depression and of course suffering related to isolation and telework.
Here we are in 2021, what changes?
L. L. : I feel a weariness, a need for social connection, the desire to take care of oneself.
Do you consult by videoconference?
L. L. : Yes, mainly by Zoom.
Do you do consultations outside the MSP?
L. L. : I also receive at the Sauzet health center and sometimes at home for people who cannot travel.
And you, personally, how have you felt since April 2020?
L. L. : The protection of fragile people is essential of course but I think that isolation and deprivation of contact have a direct impact on people’s morale and weaken their defenses. I also wonder about the psychological impact, particularly the one on children. They learn with barrier gestures that others are a “source of contamination”, that we must protect ourselves from them and that we must keep distances from them. The human being has become a danger for the human being. I fear the unconscious repercussions are great. When the crisis is over, we will have to restore confidence and cultivate the joy of human relations.
In Prayssac, Sauzet, and at home if necessary
Lucile Lock consults by appointment in Prayssac on Thursday at the MSP in Prayssac, on Tuesday at the Maison de Santé in Sauzet and if necessary at home. She will lead group sessions in Prayssac and sophronic walks in the Lot valley and its surroundings as soon as the conditions of the health crisis allow.
Lucile Lock exercises hypnosis and sophrology, which allows me to use one or the other of these techniques according to the request and the problem or to combine them. Hypnosis is a state between waking and sleeping. This state allows us to mobilize our internal resources to lead to the desired changes. In a few sessions, she helps find her own solutions through her subconscious. In fact, each person is unique and carries with him all the capacities for well-being.
To reach Lucile Lock: Multidisciplinary health center located at 2 rue du Docteur-Charles-Blanche, in Prayssac or tel: 06 22 75 10 38