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Loss If You Don’t Try! Try Using Yeast To Repel Mosquitoes Wandering Around Your House, Guaranteed To Escape – All Pages

Sajiansedap.com – Every house must be very easy to find mosquitoes roaming around.

This certainly makes a deep heart meal.

Especially if you meet with dengue fever mosquitoes.

You will be admitted to hospital if bitten.

It’s good now to just get rid of mosquitoes using natural ingredients in this kitchen.

Cheap and very easy to get in the market.

Yes, just use yeast to repel mosquitoes.

Here is a complete review for you.

Don’t you don’t try it!

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Yeast To Repel Mosquitoes

Before knowing how, you must first know how yeast works to repel mosquitoes.

How can yeast get rid of mosquitoes in the house?

This is due to the content of compounds produced by yeast.

When mixed with water, yeast will produce carbon dioxide.

This carbon dioxide will attract mosquitoes, so they will approach.

However, yeast also produces sugar.

This sugar will become a trap for mosquitoes.

When it gets into it, sugar will kill the mosquitoes in our house.

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Then, how to use yeast to kill mosquitoes at home?

Before doing how to make it, you should prepare some equipment, including:

– Used mineral water bottle with a capacity of 1 liter

– Scissors and tape

– Yeast

– Warm water

– Java sugar that has been mashed

After that, you can do this method:

1. Cut the used mineral water bottle into two parts right in the middle of the bottle horizontally.

2. Put 1 third cup of warm water in the bottom of the bottle.

The article continues after the video below:

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3. Enter the mashed brown sugar.

4. Add three tablespoons of yeast.

5. Attach the top of the bottle with the mouth of the bottle facing down and glue it with tape

You can place the bottle in an area that is often accessed by mosquitoes.

For example, by the window or at the door.

You can also place it near the vent.

Remember, in the rainy season it is very vulnerable to diseases caused by mosquitoes.

There anything?

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Diseases Caused by Mosquitoes

1. Dengue fever

In the rainy season, you should be careful with this one disease.

Usually, this disease is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito and spreads the virus into our blood.

Dengue fever had become one of the diseases that made our society concerned.

Usually, dengue fever is characterized by fever that does not go away, muscle aches, and joint pain.

2. Malaria

Unlike dengue fever, malaria is usually transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.

According to WHO, this type of mosquito will transmit parasites that are harmful to humans.

Usually the symptoms of new malaria appear 10 to 15 days after a mosquito bite.

In 2020, malaria will become one of the concerns of public health experts around the world.

In fact, from WHO recommendations, children under 5 years and pregnant women need to be careful with this one disease.

Similar to dengue fever, malaria is characterized by high fever and muscle aches, and is accompanied by nausea and diarrhea.

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According to the CDC, people with chikungunya will show symptoms 3 to 7 days after being bitten by an Aedes Aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquito.

The mosquito through its bite transmits the CHIKV virus.

Similar to malaria and dengue fever, people with chikungunya will also experience high fever and muscle aches.

Not only that, people with this disease will also experience a rash on the skin.

Prevention is needed so that this health risk does not threaten you and your family.

That’s how to use yeast to kill mosquitoes.

Apparently, without chemicals, mosquitoes can be overcome at home.

Enough with yeast and brown sugar, you can prevent the three diseases caused by mosquitoes above.

Good luck.

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The article has been published in nakita with the title, Apparently Repel Mosquitoes at Home Just Use Yeast, It’s Time to Say ‘Bye-bye’ to This One Insect

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