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Losing 4-0 in Cádiz and winning the League: anything is possible

Of the 4 leagues won by Barça with Johan Cruyff As a coach, the last three are widely remembered for the epic of reaching the last game and winning the title when everything was against it. Barça needed, for two consecutive years, Madrid to play in Tenerife, and they played. Then he needed Depor not to beat Valencia and Djukic he scored the last penalty.

However, little is said about the first because Barça won without playing. When it was up to him to sing the alirón, those of Cruyff they lost in Cádiz. By 4-0. Koeman he remembers that game 30 years ago well because he was the only center-back with a defense of three, with Lopez Rekarte and Soler as laterals. The next day, Barça won the title because Atlético lost in Atocha thanks to a goal from Aldridge.

In Barcelona the euphoria was unleashed. Canaletas was filled with thousands of Barça fans who celebrated the title until dawn. And the thing is that Barça had not won a league for 5 years. It was the second in the last 16 years. Nobody dared to stop the overflowing joy. Today, if Barça played a league and lost 4-0, the new analysts would say, at the end of the game, that there is nothing to celebrate because the team did not play at all and was thrashed by a lesser team. The parade through the streets would be branded as heresy. Moreover, if today Barça draws in Cádiz they will ask for the head of Koeman.

The historic 4-0 from Cádiz to Barça at Carranza


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