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Los Hombres G perform in Mexico to commemorate their 40th anniversary

Who are the G-Men?

Los Hombres G is a rock group formed in 1983 by other musicians Dani Mezquita, Javi Molina, David Summers and Rafa Gutiérrez.

His beginnings were in the Spanish city of Madrid, with his first album, the prototype “G-men“In 1985.

They had an interlude from 1992 to 2002, in which David went alone, Rafa and Dani continued to be connected to the industry, and Javi ran his own bar.

Los Hombres G: Celebrating their 40th anniversary they are performing in Mexico

His first single was Return My Girlfriend to Me. The youthful and adolescent aura they emanated attracted large local and international audiences to their music, as well as some older ones.

As proof of this, his adult albums were called Voy a passmelo bien (1989) and Esta es tu vida (1990). And the fans, old and new, continued to love them dearly, as seen when they landed in Peru and were greeted on the catwalk by 20,000 fans.

Their full album list is:

  • G-Men (1985)
  • You Made a Mess … Burt Lancaster (1986)
  • Are we crazy … or what? (1987)
  • Shake Before Use (1988)
  • I’ll Have Fun (1989)
  • This is your life (1990)
  • Bikini Story (1992)
  • Dangerously Together (2002)
  • This is all very strange (2005)
  • 10 (2007)
  • Continental breakfast (2010)
  • On the Beach (2011)
  • 30 years and a day (2015)
  • Resurrection (2019)
  • Rowland’s Corner (2021)

Which tool does each use?

David Summers is the singer / bassist, Rafael Gutiérrez and Dani Mezquita (guitars) and Javi Molina (drums).

What are your influences?

His influences are the Beatles and the British New Wave. While the Beatles are a well-known pop and rock group, the new British wavea mixture of various types of music similar to pop, but quantitatively different such as power pop, punk rock, etc.

What were your musical genres?

His musical genres were:

  • Rock
  • Pop
  • Pop rock
  • new wave
  • Garage

Rock was a broad musical style originating in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s that borrowed many disparate musical styles, including classical music, jazz, African American music, rhythm and blues, soul, country, etc.

Los Hombres G: Celebrating their 40th anniversary they are performing in Mexico Los Hombres G: Celebrating their 40th anniversary they are performing in Mexico

Pop Rock is generally understood as a fusion of pop and rock music.

Pop music is an upbeat type of music with broad social appeal, like disco music, although it has a fair amount of criticism due to its low culture appearance, pop, like rock, is known for addressing social issues. and moral through an accessible medium, along with its more “fluff” cousins, so to speak.

New Wave, as already explained, is essentially a mixed genre that includes Power Rock and Punk Rock, among others.

Garage Rock is a type of Rock that originated in the Rock era proper, it is considered a more raw and visceral form of mainstream Rock.

How do you plan to celebrate the 40th anniversary of its foundation?

They intend to celebrate it by performing on March 8, 2023 in Monterrey on March 11 in Mexico City.

The Spanish group will begin its celebratory tour in Madrid on December 30, 2022.

The single that made the whole band and their legacy possible was up for sale on Amazon Prime to the delight of its fans. As anyone would, if their favorite artists were recognized by Amazon.

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The band has warned its fans against ticket touts that they can take advantage of the special occasion and buy many tickets in bulk and then download them at a much higher price for the rest of the fans.

Intensification of the gray market. Although, with the digitization of much of the trade, this notice is especially important for physical and cash ticket buyers.

What other cities will you play in?

According to songkick.com, they will play in the following cities

Los Angeles, December 3 (could be a warm-up ahead of his big tour starting on the 30th).

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