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Los Barrios Alconchel 2019 municipal election results will need support for investiture in Los Barrios

Election day on the neighborhoods leaves one of the most open post-election political scenarios in recent years. The application of The Neighborhoods 100×100led by Miguel Alconchel, it was the winner of the elections held this Sunday in the city but far from having a majority sufficient to form a solitary government.

So it will be time for chords among the five political formations that appeared in the city. All have achieved representation, though citizens has the key to decant two tripartite pacts or one abstention allow the investiture of the most voted list, that of Alconchel.

The Neighborhoods 100×100 obtained eight councilors (3,789 votes) and PSOE extension another seven (3,189 votes) as majority formations. In the case of the formation heir to the PA, it loses two councilors and 200 votes compared to the municipal elections of 2015. The socialists of Port SalvadorInstead, they go from six to seven representatives as they grow by more than 700 votes.

The Popular Party leaves one councilor to the outgoing Corporation, with two mayors and 1,245 votes while Podemos adds a mayor. The purple formation obtained 1,039 votes, double the number four years ago.

citizenswho was running for the first time, will enter the City Council with two councilors (926 votes).

With these results, a priori there are three possibilities between now and June 15, the date of constitution of the new municipal council: a tripartite agreement between Los Barrios 100×100, Partido Popular and Ciudadanos (12 councillors); another tripartite, in this case between PSOE, Podemos and Ciudadanos (11 councillors) or that Ciudadanos abstains to govern The Neighborhoods 100×100with PP support or alone.

Election trip

Municipal elections held in the neighborhoods suppose the calling to the polls of a census of voters of 17,983 neighbors. Until 18:00 they voted 7,915 peopleequivalent to 44.01% of the census.

The political parties participating in the municipal elections in the Villa are the local formation Los Barrios 100×100, PSOE, Partido Popular, Podemos Los Barrios and Ciudadanos. The locality elects a Corporation with 21 people.

Three of the five candidates for the Los Barrios Town Hall They repeat compared to the previous elections: Salvador Puerto (PSOE), David Gil (PP) and Rubén Castillo (Podemos) will once again lead the lists of these formations. Los Barrios 100×100 ran for the first time with Miguel Alconchel as its candidate (although he is a current councilor of the extinct Andalusian Party). The new face in Barreños’ electoral posters will be that of Pedro González Muñoz, candidate for Ciudadanos.

In the May 2015the election resulted in a victory for the Andalusian Party with just over 1,500 votes difference on the second political force, the Socialist Party.

In that election, Los Barrios voted from a total of eight nominationsof which five represented in the plenary. George Romero (PA), achieved 3,986 votes (38.5%) and maintain the ten directors obtained in 2011, followed by Port Salvador (PSOE), with 2,424 votes (23.4%) and a group with six councilors (four in the previous legislature).

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