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Los Angeles: School coexistence teams train inspectors in cases of abuse

The total return to face-to-face classes has revealed a harsh emotional mark left by two years of confinement on children and adolescents, in addition to the effects on adults. Unfortunately, this has been reflected at the national level, in behaviors that hinder a healthy coexistence among the members of school communities.

That is why the DAEM Los Angeles School Coexistence area has taken the initiative around its fundamental task, which is to ensure adequate coexistence, developing a work plan that helps, first of all, to establish a diagnosis around the different and complex situations that are experienced in public establishments in Los Angeles; secondly, to deliver more and better tools to their psychosocial teams to deal with conflictive situations and thirdly; to establish, together with the communities, planning actions and joint work.

In this line, the DAEM School Coexistence multidisciplinary team carried out – as a result of the complex events that have occurred and are occurring in the establishments and in order to contribute to improving internal procedures – training for general inspectors on the application of action protocols in the face of mistreatment and/or abuse.

Along with this, a document with “Guidelines for socio-emotional support in educational establishments” was socialized in the establishments, which suggests containment strategies.

In addition, meetings were held with all the School Coexistence teams of the establishments, to jointly generate a diagnosis that allows each one to analyze the reality and thus adopt effective measures.

Added to this is the recent coordination with the Office of Community Integration of the 1st Los Angeles Police Station, in order to coordinate the work during the school year, around guidelines for action protocols and emerging situations, achieving a network, knowing and addressing the issues of violence in a coordinated manner. Along the same lines, the team joined the work of the Provincial Mental Health Board, in which the Health Seremi, the Los Angeles Community Health Directorate and universities also participate. The first product of this Table will be a seminar, which will be held on April 27, in the context of the School Coexistence Day.

Ítalo Gallegos, coordinator of the DAEM School Coexistence area, points out that addressing the current problem implies the commitment and collaboration of all the actors involved. “Not only in remedial actions, but also in understanding the phenomenon that is being generated. The violence that we are witnessing is a complex social phenomenon that, in one way or another, is also manifesting itself in educational establishments. Therefore, we must approach it socially, where not only those who make up the educational communities must contribute, but also the different organizations that are psychosocial support and security networks for our establishments”.

Finally, in a line of community action, this team will conduct training on bullying, cyberbullying and violence for officials of the provincial health system, who have children in secondary education, whether public, subsidized or private. This, through a strategic alliance with the Bío Bío Health Service.

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