Home » today » Business » Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Collaborates with Serve Robotics in Crime-solving Efforts

Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Collaborates with Serve Robotics in Crime-solving Efforts

A new report reveals that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is utilizing delivery robots to assist in criminal investigations. Serve Robotics, the company behind these robots, has reportedly been sharing video footage with the LAPD for identifying suspects and solving crimes.

During an incident where two individuals attempted to steal a Serve Robotics delivery robot, the LAPD obtained a subpoena to access the robot’s camera footage. This footage played a key role in identifying and apprehending the suspects. Serve Robotics showed cooperation and willingness to assist the police throughout the investigation.

When questioned about the use of footage from other robots in similar cases, the LAPD stated that they were unaware of any other instances where robot footage was used for criminal investigations. However, internal communications suggest that Serve has previously offered camera footage to the LAPD in other incidents.

Serve Robotics has provided reassurance regarding privacy concerns. They stated that their privacy policy ensures that camera feeds from the robots are routinely deleted, unless there are compelling safety or security reasons to retain them.

Emails exchanged between Serve and the LAPD reveal discussions about forming a partnership to combat vandalism targeting the company’s robots. This partnership would aim to address the ongoing issue and enhance the efficiency of their crime-solving efforts.

The LAPD and Serve Robotics both maintain that the theft attempt incident was an isolated occurrence. The LAPD categorized it as Grand Theft and stated that they were not aware of similar incidents involving these robots.

This collaboration between the LAPD and Serve Robotics signifies the growing role of technology in law enforcement. By leveraging the capabilities of delivery robots, the LAPD gains valuable resources for identifying suspects and preventing future crimes.

– 404Media

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2023-09-29 02:25:29
#LAPD #Teams #Delivery #Robots #Criminal #Investigations

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