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Lorry’s Dangerous Overtaking Incident: Strong Reactions from Police and Companies

Both the police and the companies involved react strongly to the lorry’s overtaking.

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Less than 50 minutes ago

Father of two Andre Dyrøy was on his way to Leo’s playland with his family to celebrate his daughter’s seventh birthday.

On his way down Kokstadvegen, he noticed that a large truck was getting closer and closer. In the middle of a long, tight right turn – and just before a pedestrian crossing – the lorry driver decided to pass.

As he passed the pedestrian crossing, a dark, gray passenger car approached.

– We thought that there was going to be a bang, but somehow he managed to sneak in in front of us. It was a very frightening situation, says Dyrøy.

Called the police straight away

The father of the family says that the lorry increased its speed further after driving past them. They decided to do the same, despite the fact that the lead was slack. When they had registered the car number, they turned into a car park and called the police.

The first time they didn’t get through. Nor on others. They then called 911.

– They noted the registration number and said they would look at it. We also said we could send them the video if they wanted, but we heard nothing from them. It doesn’t seem like anything was done, says Dyrøy, who then sent the video to BT.

The incident happened at 12 o’clock on Saturday morning. At the time, Bergen was covered in snow. Dyrøy says that he was slightly below the speed limit.

– It was 50 zone. I’m guessing we were around 45.

– Somehow he managed to slip in in front of us. It was a very frightening situation, says Andre Dyrøy. Photo: Screenshot from the video

The police: – Driver’s license seizure

On Sunday morning, BT sent the video to operations manager Steinar Hausvik in the West police district to get a comment. He confirms that they received an inquiry from Dyrøy on Saturday, but that at the time they did not have the resources to follow it up.

After watching the video, he says the following:

– It wasn’t pretty, to say the least. We will deal with this further. Here we will be able to find out more about the driver. This is, as I see it, a clear driver’s license confiscation, says Hausvik.

He points to several factors that make overtaking extra serious:

  • There is a pedestrian crossing with a speed bump where overtaking takes place. This means that you should be extra careful and slow down.
  • The episode occurs in a slight right turn, which means that visibility is very poor.
  • The person concerned is a professional driver, which places higher demands on care.

– It’s a godsend that it didn’t get worse. It may look like a good reaction from the oncoming car, and that there was a bus stop there, is the reason it didn’t get worse.

– It’s still there

Andre Dyrøy is happy that the police are so clear that they will follow up on the case.

– The assessment of the driver was hair-raising. In the worst case, someone could have passed in the transition zone when he drove past. It was also slushy and slippery in some places.

– I don’t really understand how it managed to get in front of our car, says Dyrøy.

He and his family eventually made it to Leo’s playground, but one day after the incident, he feels it on his body.

– What happened is still there. It is so surprising that the driver chose to take such a big risk on behalf of himself and others.

Want to talk to the driver

It was a driver from the transport company Nor-log who drove the lorry in question, on behalf of Coop.

– Coop expects our hired carriers to follow traffic rules, observe speed limits and generally show consideration for other road users. This is totally unacceptable behaviour, and we will follow up the incident with our supplier, says communications director Harald Kristiansen at Coop.

CEO of the Nor-log Group, Lars Arne Brøttem, has also seen the video.

– This is completely unacceptable behavior in traffic, and not at all in line with how our drivers should behave, says Brøttem.

– How will you follow up on the matter?

– We will follow this up internally, and have a dialogue with the relevant driver.

– Will driving have consequences for the driver?

– I cannot go into that. This will be handled as a personnel matter, says Brøttem.


Published: January 21, 2024 7:25 pm

2024-01-21 18:25:01

#Dangerous #overtaking #Bergen #wasnt #pretty

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