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Lorraine. Need help ? Let yourself be guided by the Vocational Orientation and Integration Service

Sibel Cetin: “I really like to help as many people as possible”

What is a student-ambassador?

“Our main role, it is to intervene in high schools, to talk about student life. We don’t talk about courses, we talk about how to get organized, the big change, the transition between high school and student life, going to a big city, a big university… We talk about the work methodology, the great autonomy that we ask of students and that high school students do not yet have. As we are about the same age, they are more interested and ask questions. Some, who don’t dare, come to see us at the end: that’s when we realize that we have a real use. »

Why did you become a student-ambassador?

“I was looking for a small job alongside my studies, I found this offer on the college website. Since the L2, I sponsor L1 in law, I really like to help, the maximum of people. When I was in high school, in the final year, no one intervened to tell me that I had to apply for a scholarship, find accommodation, pay rent plus utilities, etc., all those little things. Scholarship applications are made in March, they have not yet passed the baccalaureate they already need take an interest in student life! There you have it, these are basic points, essential to know before entering university. »

What fears or questions come up most often?

“How to pay your rent and how to apply for a scholarship. There are also fears about the workload or the distance from the parents, when we meet for the first time, alone in an apartment. »


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