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Lorraine. Brassens’ last guitarist in concert in Thionville on December 17th

How did you start working with Georges Brassens in 1972?

He had hired the singer Colette Chevrot, whom I accompanied on the guitar, to ensure his first part on stage. One thing led to another, we sympathized and when his guitarist Barthélémy Rosso died, he offered me by phone to become his guitarist for his next recordings. “Well, if you don’t mind,” he added. It was a wonderful gift he gave me, when I was just a youngster. When I went to see him immediately after, he was waiting for me with some friends of his who immediately hazed me. They said to me: “Georges’ first two guitarists are dead, have you at least got your affairs in order?” “. Obviously, it relaxes (laughs).

Were you a fan of him and his songs?

Fan is not a word that goes with Brassens (laughs). An admirer, I was and still am. For me, he was to song what Django Reinhardt was to jazz. A virtuoso. He elevated craftsmanship to the level of art. He once told me that he did not write to be listened to but to be listened to again. This is why he has put in all his work hidden tips, which we do not always perceive at first listening. For example, in the song “Quand on est con”, the phrase of the chorus “Time does nothing to the case” is taken from the Misanthrope by Molière. As Pierre Desproges said and it is unstoppably topical, “Brassens songs are a vaccine against bullshit but you need a lot of reminders (laughs). “

The musicality of his songs pushed simplicity to the extreme. Were you not frustrated, as a musician, by these refined arrangements, even by these lack of arrangement?

The packaging is, it is true, extremely simple but the richness of the melodies is obvious. They shed light on his texts. In the studio, for example, I would ask her, “What do you want me to do? “And he would answer me:” Do what you want! », When he knew very well where he wanted to go. Me, I was just in the service of the song. So, no, it has never been frustrating, on the contrary.

You played on the title Fernande , known for its saucy refrain. What memory do you keep of it?

There had long been a long tradition of bawdy songs in France. Also, I do not remember having felt the fears of a frightened virgin while participating in the recording. It was a style exercise like any other.

We feel that he marked you forever …

A lot of people tell me: “Brassens has changed my life”. Me, he helped me grow. It gave me the starting point for artistic research and, forgive the bad word, spiritual (laughs). I am also often told that I am the former Brassens guitarist. I invariably answer, “No, I still am! “. It is a treat to keep playing his songs and I will play them until I die. But as he sang, I want to die for my ideas, yes but a slow death (laughs).

Special Georges Brassens evening on Friday December 17 at 8 p.m. at the Théâtre de Thionville. Information on the Facebook page of the Des Mots & Débats association or by email [email protected]

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