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Lorillard Workshop Employees Demand Salary Increases and Better Benefits

The statement of call to disengage, signed FO, fell on Monday, and specifies “that after having consulted the employees of the workshops, the observation is flagrant, the dissatisfaction is general. Our demands are clear: An establishment of the 13th months, a general salary increase, coverage of the three days of waiting for all staff, a 5th week not imposed and a seniority bonus.

And to force the hand of management, FO called for a two-hour walkout this Tuesday, July 4, between 11:50 a.m. and 1:50 p.m., for the three teams of the workshops at the Jardin d’entreprises site.

Increases took place in January

“The management did not react and remains in observation of the situation. Following our general meeting, we decided to lead the walkout movement for four hours, for the day of Wednesday July 5”, underlined Dylan Delabranche , FO delegate at Lorillard.

The Lorillard group in Chartres buys Closures Henri Peyrichou in Saint-Martin-de-Seignanx in the Landes

Contacted on Tuesday, Thierry Luce, president of the Lorillard group, expressed his surprise on the way in which the walkout was decided and the conditions for the start of this social conflict:

“First, when staff representatives or union delegates have demands, they start by talking about them to management and if the dialogue fails, they have the legitimacy to call for a social movement. There was none of that in our workshops with the Force Ouvrière trade unionists.

The Chartres Lorillard group buys Menuiserie Meslin in Glatigny, in the Manche department

Thierry Luce is all the more surprised by this sudden movement when several social measures have been taken by him and the group’s leaders in 2023: “We have increased the number of employees among our workshop staff, ranging from 7 to 9%, from January 2023. We have distributed performance bonuses to support the purchasing power of our employees in addition to the month of profit-sharing also distributed to staff.

Thierry Luce concludes that he will remain in contact with the staff representatives and will, on Wednesday morning, discuss with all the staff to discuss this problem in depth.

Ahmed Taghaza

#Social #Disengagement #Lorillard #Tuesday #movement #renewed #tomorrow

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