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Lorello, with Love: Ignacio Lorello’s Exhibition at Monumental Sierras Theater Cinema

«Art renews people and reveals life to them. Vain pleasure in scenes that do not lead to building the future. Landscapes of thick impasto, abstractions and mixed technique compositions”, mentions the writing about one of the works that will be present in Alta Gracia during this summer season.

Ignacio Lorello is a painter who lives in the town of Villa Los Aromos and for the first time, he is going to present his work in the city of Tajamar. In dialogue with RESUMEN, the artist told about his beginnings in the world of painting and the details of what this exhibition will be at the Monumental Cinema: “I started with bodily expression casually, releasing the expressiveness of my body and began to investigate the possibilities of expressing beauty and fiction. The arts. On any given May 7th many years ago, I bought acrylics and plastic sheets for school and painted a dog that today dresses up a great friend’s living room. He was 24 years old. A few months before I had illustrated a book of stories that I did not publish.”

“What does art mean to me? I insist. Art renews people and reveals life to them; vain the pleasure of scenes that do not lead to preparing the future. It reads the classic and beautiful facade of the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, Sicily. A bust of Giuseppe Verdi guards it. I am a painter of paintings, perhaps emerging”said.

Regarding the name of the exhibition, the artist mentioned that “His name was going to be “Lorello,” the surname with which he signed my work. Elvis’s debut album was titled “Elvis Presley,” as were Black Sabbath, Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin and Los Chalchaleros. Prince, on the other hand, only used his name on the second album. Apparently, this is how the hand of the masters comes along the way. “With love” is a reminder for me.”

“The truth is that I am not looking to tell any story. I look for my paintings to be silent, sometimes I give myself away in the use of the spatula. Many others, I would like them to speak for me. “We have nice things to say”expressed the painter.

The exhibition “Lorello, with love” will be open until Sunday, January 8 at the Monumental Sierras Theater Cinema, which is at the service of culture, a work of delicate value for society in Alta Gracia and throughout the valley. “I feel very grateful and I owe it to those who work there, my colleagues at this moment. I hope that my proposal enriches in some way those of us who enjoy the Monumental. I say it seriously. Thick impasto landscapes, abstractions and mixed media compositions make up this collection that arises from my search for beauty through the study of color. Which I apply cleanly, in vehement strokes that give the sensation of movement that you will observe in my work.”said Ignacio.

The exhibition can be seen from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., until January 8. To learn more about Ignacio’s work, you can see his works through his Instagram account: @galeriacasaperro. “My paintings are for you and they joyfully await you at Cine Teatro Monumental Sierras. “I would like them to come, they are the dancers of this ballet.”he finished.

2023-12-28 22:17:52
#Art #painting #exhibition #Alta #Gracia

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