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López Obrador thanks Mexico for sacrifice against Covid-19

The federal president celebrated that the citizenship accepted the recommendations of the Federal Government before the pandemic. Photo: Screenshot


He President Andrés Manuel López Obrador recognized the Mexicans the sacrifice they do to stay at home before the Covid-19 pandemic that affects the country.

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In a video published in his social networks, the federal president celebrated that the citizenship complied with the federal government recommendations to respect the measures of shelter and healthy distance to avoid spread of the virus.

He noted that, according to the Governor of Guerrero, Héctor Astudillo, the Acapulco beaches are empty, which means that the families decided to protect themselves and sacrifice the days off for Holy Week.

López Obrador, assured that Mexico is among the 10 countries in the world with the least infected and fewer deaths due to the pandemic thanks, he said, to the prevention effort being carried out in the country.

He added that it will be next Monday when the actions to be determined by his administration will be reported according to the projections made by the scientists.

He added that staying-at-home measures will help Save many lives and stressed that later the economic crisis looming, so right now the most important thing is to protect the Mexican families.

* brc

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