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López-Gatell leaves the hospital after receiving treatment for COVID: Health

The Undersecretary of Health, Hugo López-Gatell, was discharged after five days of hospitalization for COVID-19, federal authorities confirmed.

In daily press conference, the general director of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, assured that the undersecretary López-Gatell is back at his home, but that he will continue with the corresponding follow-up.

“He had a hospital stay in which he was able to receive supplemental oxygen in order to have optimal saturation levels. The symptoms are minimal, he is reported practically asymptomatic but he will continue with this follow-up ”, he pointed out.

He also explained that the type of treatment that López-Gatell received was supplemental oxygen, as well as an anti-inflammatory type, for greater control of the disease.

A day before, López-Gatell detailed The Day in a letter that was in the Banamex Temporary Attention Unit, which he entered on February 24 at noon to receive treatment.

“Since admission and until now my respiratory function is normal. 98% saturated with minimal supplemental oxygen supply. Medically my COVID presentation is considered moderate, “he noted.

The official said he is in good spirits and appetite, and commented that the attention he has received is excellent.

According to Dr. Ruy López Ridaura, director of CENAPRED, the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion was hospitalized for early monitoring and treatment.

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