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Loose teeth, purulent gums, weight loss … this rare and fatal disease contracted by singer James Blunt!

The story dates back to 25 years ago … but forever marked singer James Blunt because it could indeed have gone very wrong.

As a teenager, he challenged himself to eat only ground meat and chicken for eight weeks, and ended up contracting a potentially fatal disease: scurvy.

“After eight weeks, I was really, really sick and went to see a doctor. He said, ‘oh I think you have symptoms related to scurvy'”, he explained to the cooking podcast “Table Manners with Jessie Wars”. And to continue: “The doctor told me that I was lacking in vitamin C, so I started drinking orange juice every night, which caused me to have acid reflux.”

If scurvy remains a rare disease today, it is not non-existent. James Blunt, fortunately escaped the worst.

Regarding symptoms, we read on the page Wikipedia who evokes it, that scurvy “in humans, in its severe form, results in loosening of the teeth and purulence of the gums, hemorrhages, then death”.

“Scurvy initially manifests as intense fatigue and loss of appetite which can lead to significant weight loss. The patient may also experience muscle and / or joint pain, especially large joints such as the hip or knee. also display a pale complexion, the onset of anemia and ankle swelling “, recalls for his part Pourquoidocteur.fr.

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