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Looking to Negotiate! Rumors Suggest Ukrainian Army Open to Discussing Crimea with Russia Following Potential Counterattack

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The Financial Times reported that Andriy Sybiha, deputy head of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office, said Ukraine would be willing to discuss the future of Crimea with Russia if Ukrainian troops reached the Russian-occupied Crimean border. The remarks were Ukraine’s clearest statement of its intentions to negotiate since it broke off peace talks with the Kremlin last April.

“If we can successfully achieve our strategic goals on the battlefield, and when we are about to enter the administrative border with Crimea, we are ready to discuss this issue through diplomatic means,” Sibihar said. Sibiha was referring to Kiev’s long-planned counterattack target, but added, “This does not mean that we rule out retaking (Crimea) with the military.”

Sibihar’s comments are likely to assuage concerns among Western officials who are skeptical about Ukraine’s ability to retake the peninsula and fear any military attempt could lead to an escalation of the conflict.

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It is rumored that Ukraine is willing to discuss the Crimea issue with Russia if the Ukrainian army reaches the border of the Russian-occupied Crimea Peninsula.AFP

So far, Zelensky has ruled out peace talks until the withdrawal of Russian forces from all of Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.

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