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Looking for Film Sets in Metz and Nancy: Join our Exciting Cinema Project!

Cinema: looking for sets in Metz and Nancy

Film shoots follow one another at a frantic pace in Lorraine. For the purposes of a feature film entitled In water by Élise Otzenberger, produced by Mamma Roman, and whose filming is scheduled for the end of the year, sets are being sought. As the project has not yet been localized, the decorations mentioned are sought both in the Metropolis of Greater Nancy and in the Eurometropolis of Metz (or their close surroundings). This is an apartment (minimum 80m2), rather unrenovated 70s/80s/90s style, with a main hallway giving access to all the rooms in the house, a bathroom with bathtub. And also a family holiday home with a large garden and a kitchen that must open onto it. The provision will be contractualized and remunerated. Interested persons can send photos, address and contact details to this email address: g.douillet1@gmail.com

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