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LOOK / The worst predictions for 2021 :: World

Residents of the richest countries in the world, the so-called golden billion, are also the most frightened of the coronavirus today. In developed countries, conspiracy has blossomed in full bloom – the expectation that something terrible is expected next year. Either hunger, or poverty, or natural disasters. Let’s try to figure out if this is true and what actually awaits the “golden billion”.

There are only five horsemen of the coming Apocalypse. The first to go is Tsar Hunger. The UN has already warned several times that hundreds of millions of people could face serious malnutrition in the next year.

Paradoxical fasting

The paradox is that never in human history has food production reached such proportions. However, border closures and lockdowns around the world have cut supply chains. Quite often farmers are forced to throw away their crops, because certain restrictions do not allow delivering it to customers. As a result, consumers face food shortages and rising prices.

We already saw a rehearsal of such an artificial crisis in the spring, when Western supermarkets suddenly emptied and ceased to be a shining showcase of capitalism, and especially popular goods were sold under the immortal socialist slogan “two packs in one hand.” The repetition of this story on a larger scale is what the inhabitants of the “golden billion” are afraid of today.

This is not about hunger – in the sense in which it really threatens millions of people in Africa and Southeast Asia – but about the inaccessibility of most normal foods due to their sharp rise in prices. Hence the renewed interest in the West in gardening and harvesting for the winter, and the mass fashion for veganism, and worries about what else to make artificial meat from. Good food can be a luxury.

Access to beef can be a separate issue.

Ecoradicals, with the support of influential global structures, are in every possible way swaying the topic of global warming. Cows have long been recognized as one of its main culprits. By releasing methane, they worsen the climate. If it is decided to send the cows to the dustbin of history, red meat could indeed become a delicacy – as WEF experts predicted back in 2016.


Another popular horror story is the ban on cash. There is already negative profitability in banks in many developed countries. That is, citizens pay extra to the bank for keeping their savings. A popular conspiracy horror story says that cash may be banned at one point. Then banks will be able to do literally whatever they want with the deposits of citizens.

The real problem, which the conspiracy theorists overlook, is that the banks themselves are extremely insecure today. In many states, the topic of digital currency is being actively developed. If it is implemented and central banks are responsible for its issue, then other banking structures may be left out of business at all. They are in danger of banal ruin. And depositors risk being left not only without cash, but without any money at all.


At the top of the bad feelings rankings is also a ban on private property. It is customary to refer to the utopian text of Ida Oken, the ex-Minister of the Environment of Denmark. It was published on the World Economic Forum website back in 2016. Here’s a quote: “Welcome to 2030. Welcome to my – or rather, to “our” – city. I have nothing. No car, no house, no clothes, no household items. ” The implication is that in 2030, everyone – well, except for the very wealthy – will switch to bicycle and public transport. Renting will turn into social hiring.

And the property will simply be canceled – everyone will be provided free of charge, upon request. From a tablespoon to underpants.

The conspiracy theorists are afraid of this. But to be afraid is actually quite different. Millions of people from the “golden billion” in 2020 have lost their jobs. It follows from this that they can neither pay rent, nor pay off a mortgage, nor give a loan for a car.

While governments have frozen rent payments, slowed down mortgages, but if the state of affairs does not change, citizens will automatically lose their rights to their cars, houses and apartments. The bankruptcy of small and medium-sized businesses, already launched by lockdowns, will also lead to a rapid increase in the number of lumpen. In general, many people really risk being left without property.


The gradual change in the global information agenda indicates that global warming will become the main news drive in 2021. Moreover, Bill Gates has already openly stated this.

If today all economic problems and man-made crises bring down the coronavirus pandemic, then in the near future the masses will be frightened by climate change and probable natural disasters. Among the most picturesque horror stories: an earthquake in the San Andreas Fault, which will destroy half of America; a powerful solar storm that will disable mobile and radio communications throughout the Earth; sliding into the US East Coast ocean; giant earthquakes in Japan and Chile.

It is not at all necessary that all this will actually happen. But it is absolutely certain that the world media will intimidate humanity with this.


Well, the last, the fifth horseman of the Apocalypse, leaves the global vaccination. Westerners have a range of fears about this. Someone fears that the vaccine has dangerous side effects, or even lethal. Someone believes that it will become only a pretext for chipping the population. It is amazing that fantastic phobias massively cover people not somewhere in Africa, but in enlightened, wealthy countries, where vaccinations have long and firmly entered everyday life.

However, the coronavirus vaccine stands alone. Only a tiny minority of her opponents are convinced anti-vaccines. The overwhelming majority are ordinary people. They have many questions about the new vaccine, which the authorities of their countries stubbornly do not answer.

For example, if in Russia and China the vaccine is produced in state institutions, in Western countries it is produced by private pharmaceutical companies. These corporations have been involved in various scandals more than once. Here are the dangerous side effects of drugs and making money from fake viruses like bird flu.

People are alarmed by the incredible coherence between media and internet platforms, which seem to be aiming to achieve universal vaccination. Back in the spring, the first racket of the world, Novak Djokovic, was hunted down on social networks. He just wrote that he would not want to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, and became a natural outcast.

In Canada and Britain, rumors are being actively fueled that vaccine refuseniks will not be able to travel, use public transport, or visit universities, restaurants, and theaters. So far, these are only rumors, but they are fueling mass panic.

* * *

If we look at all these horror stories in cold blood, what do we see? It looks like a massive sacrifice of the western middle class is planned for 2021. The very showcase of the “golden billion”, which was once bought by the innocent inhabitants of the USSR.

Indeed, the plans of the Western elites are to deprive the masses of property and work during a controlled economic crisis. This does not require any intrigues that conspiracy theorists love so much. It is enough to close the economy for a lockdown once or twice, and the job is ready – impoverished people will indeed lose all their property and will survive on artificial meat. You do not need to chip them – poverty, unemployment and hunger will make them completely controllable. One can forget about the notorious freedoms and human rights.

Klaus Schwab, whom many consider to be a sort of modern doctor Evil and the creator of the theory of the “Great Reset”, in fact, in his books writes in plain text about the reasons for what is happening. In his opinion, transnational monopolies have a “disruptive effect” on competing businesses. Translated into human language, they ruin the competition. Airbnb is killing the hotel business, Amazon is killing traditional retail.

In this situation, the governments of Western countries can restrict the monopolists – then normal economic development will be restored. But if governments only encourage TNCs, then super-monopoly will cause another production crisis. Only it will be called for beauty not the Great Depression, but the Great Reset – a great reboot. It seems that many national governments in the West can indeed surrender to the mercy of corporations. Then you will not envy the fate of their citizens.

However, it is at this turbulent time that a window of opportunity opens up for Russia. If we do not blindly copy Western practices, but use new technologies for the development of the country, if we keep the appetites of corporations under state control, then a breakthrough is quite real for us – both in the economy and in the quality of life, and in those freedoms that are being destroyed in the West right now.

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