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Look back at 10 photos of the events that concluded as the closing time of the “Donald Trump” curtain.

Look back at 10 pictures of the summary event when the curtain closes in the era of “Donald Trump” – BBC Thailand.

US leadership tenure President Donald Trump’s four-year-long run is coming to an end in less than a day. The BBC has chosen and compiled unique images of key events in the days of the President. Come to see and find the “summary” from the perspective of each person.


People flocked at Trump’s inauguration ceremony on Jan. 20, 2017, but he accused the media of trying to exaggerate the number of attendees. It also attempted to make the event look much more lonely than when President Barack Obama was sworn in in 2009.

White Supremacists take part in a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, on 11 August 2017

The right group and has the idea of ​​glorifying white people. Bringing torches marching in the heart of Charlottesville. Virginia Last August. 2017, it looks no different than the former Ku Klux Klan (KKK) racist activities.

The incident left one woman dead and 19 injured after a driver struck an anti-racist group. But President Trump stated that the disaster was It also pointed out that pro-white and anti-racism groups were “indiscriminately violent”. All have the same fault

The statement displeased many Americans. Make the US leader A new statement must be issued within 48 hours after that. It clearly condemned the white people and the neo-Nazi movement. But it’s too late to regain the popular vote, Mr. Joe Biden also said. The hesitation and indifference of the US leader To this tragedy He made the decision to run for president from Trump.

Trump surrounded by other world leaders at the G8 summit in Canada in 2018


President Trump has always been at odds with a longtime US ally, such as at the G7 summit in Canada. Last June The 2018 meeting started with tensions after the US announced a 25% tariff on steel imports and a further 10% tariffs on aluminum imports from the EU and Canada.

Each side threatened to take counter measures. French President Emmanuel Macron made a fierce speech with Trump on Twitter. A few hours before the start of the meeting with

The US leader left the meeting before the other leaders, saying, “America is like a piggy bank. That everyone is looking to rob and take the money “

Melania Trump wears a jacket which reads 'I really don't care, do u?'


First Lady Melania Trump is wearing a green jacket on the back. “I really don’t care, are you?” Last June The year 2018 sparked criticism of her attitude. During the US leadership Is being severely blamed On policy of separating from immigrant parents arrested at cross-border points

Even at first, a spokesperson for the First Lady insisted. The text on the shirt does not contain any hidden implications. But later Melania revealed that The message conveyed the people and the left media who criticized her.

“I want to show them that I don’t care. You can criticize whatever you want to say. But it won’t stop me from doing what I think is right. “

Nancy Pelosi claps President Trump during his State of the Union address

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Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, President of the US House of Representatives Stood up and clapped his hands as a mockery After Trump’s policy statement to Congress is over. In February. In 2019, he called on all political groups to come to a compromise.

Many social media users see This photo shows the enmity between Pelosi and Trump very well. By giving the name of this picture “Applaud like Pelosi”

Mr Trump steps into the northern side of the military demarcation line dividing the two Koreas

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Trump crossed the border from South Korea into North Korea. Last June 2019 as President of the United States Who is still the first person to do so

Trump’s decision to meet the supreme leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, was unconditional. It was something that had never been done before and shocked the world. But to strengthen the relationship that looks warm and strong Instead, it did not have much concrete results in stopping North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program. Vietnam’s second summit in Hanoi in 2019 came to an abrupt end after the United States refused to lift sanctions on North Korea.

Kim Kardashian speaks alongside President Trump during a criminal justice reform event

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Kim Kardashian-West Celebrities from reality television shows Speech at the White House on reforming US prison and justice systems. Last June 2019 year

Kim is a very close person with Trump. She had previously tried to convince the Trump administration to pardon her grandmother in a life sentence. Finally, there was a reduction in the punishment made by direct orders from the President himself. Trump has now issued 94 pardons and is expected to have a further 100 pardons before he leaves office.

President Trump holds a bible in front of St John's Episcopal church in Washington DC


Trump holds the Bible in his hand. In front of St John’s Episcopal Church, located on the street across from the White House. Last June 2020 year

United States leaders can walk to the church to attend a religious ceremony. After using pepper spray and a blast to dissolve protesters, police kill George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis. Even though they gathered together in peace

Religious and spiritual leaders were furious at the incident. And blamed Trump for using religion for political purposes.

The Trump family are seen ahead of the first presidential debate last September

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Trump family members Watch the first round of the presidential debate between Trump and Biden. In Cleveland, Ohio on Aug. 29, 2020.

Trump’s children violated the rules of this visit. By refusing to wear masks to prevent COVID-19 Causing it to become heavily criticized Meanwhile, Trump has a pandemic-less attitude. Until he himself was infected with the new corona virus later

Supporters of Donald Trump at the west entrance of the Capitol during the 'Stop the Steal' protest


Trump supporters raided the Washington State Capitol. There is a meeting to certify Biden’s victory in the presidential election. The violent incident came after Trump spoke to incite people. “Stop stealing votes” that would have made him a winner.

The clashes killed five and Trump was removed from office. Became the first president of the United States That has been filed with 2 times removed

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