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Longyan Designated as Guest City for 2024 Blessed Film Tour

Reporter Du Wei

On November 5, at the handover ceremony of the 2023 China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival Blessed Film Tour held in Zhangzhou, the person in charge of the Fujian Provincial Film Bureau officially announced that Longyan would become the guest city of the 2024 Blessed Film Tour. The Propaganda Departments of Zhangzhou and Longyan Municipal Committees were responsible for People carried out the flag handover of the guest city.

This event is hosted by the 2023 China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival Organizing Committee, the China Film Association, and the Propaganda Department of the Fujian Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and is hosted by the Fujian Provincial Film Bureau, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and the Zhangzhou Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau.

Handover of the guest city of the Blessed Film Tour (photo provided by the organizer)

After four years of development, the “Blessed Film Tour” released the “Blessed Film Tour Development Research Report” for the first time. The report was guided by the Fujian Provincial Film Bureau, and was researched and written by Xiamen Media Group Co., Ltd. and an expert team from the well-known domestic media think tank-Daily Economic News “Every Journal Think Tank”.

The Blessed Film Tour has screened more than 80 films for more than 2,000 times in 4 years

Film is an important position for publicizing ideological and cultural work and an important carrier for promoting cultural self-confidence and self-improvement. Xu Shouyao hopes that through each film, Fujian will contribute its strength to building a strong film and cultural country.

Reporters learned at the event that this year’s Youfu Film Tour was launched in the guest city of Zhangzhou on October 31. Since then, it has linked up with 20 movie theaters in nine cities and one district in the province and conducted more than 600 screenings in villages across the province. In addition, during the film festival, film-themed carnivals, meetings with main creators and other activities were also carried out to continuously enrich the new scenes of the film festival and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of “all people participate and all people share”.

The “Research Report on the Development of the Youfu Film Tour” shows that from 2020 to 2023, the film festival has been launched in Xiamen, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Zhangzhou, and more than 80 films have been screened in more than 2,000 screenings in theaters, villages, and universities in nine cities and districts. Among them, the number of rural charity screenings increased from 20 to 300, and the cumulative exposure data exceeded 300 million.

“Research Report on the Development of Blessed Film Tour” released (photo provided by the organizer)

It is worth noting that in the past four years, the film festival has screened more than 30 films related to “Blessed Movies” with a variety of themes, including “Hear the Light”, “The Island Keeper”, “The Story of Gu Wenchang” and “China Ping Pong”, which were nominated for the Golden Rooster Award. “The Jedi Strikes Back” and other outstanding Fujian-produced films.

It is reported that in order to create a richer film cultural atmosphere, Fujian will continue to implement the film benefit plan in depth, promote the balanced development of urban and rural films, strive to improve the film public cultural service system, and continuously enhance the people’s sense of cultural gain and happiness.

“Overseas Chinese Heroine Li Lin” and other Fujian-produced films demonstrate the new power of Blessed Film

In my country’s film market, Fujian’s film industry has emerged as a new force in recent years. Relevant data shows that the number of registered films in Fujian Province is nearly 2,000, and Fujian has produced as many as 8 films with a box office of over 100 million.

At the event, four film projects produced in Fujian were promoted: “That Year of Me”, “Dongshan Island”, “Overseas Chinese Heroine Li Lin” and “Born to the Sun”. They are rich in content and profound in subject matter. They include children’s red films that depict the colorful life in southern Fujian. , there are also biopics that reflect local sentiments, and the famous director Zhao Xiaoding was invited to tell the story of the 80th Coast Defense Regiment holding on to the island…

“In the film, we incorporated many southern Fujian elements such as clan culture and Gezi opera, and chose historically authentic Yongfeng Creek, Zhangzhou Ancient City, Longyan and other places as filming locations.” Jia Jiao, producer of Fujian Film Studio Co., Ltd. When promoting “The Me That Year”, he said that in the past red movies such as “Hero Xiaobalu” and “Little Soldier Zhang Ga” were precious memories of generations of Chinese people, but now “The Me That Year” is not only an excellent party history and patriotic education theme The movie is “also a children’s red movie for children to inherit the red gene, inherit the legacy of the martyrs, and strengthen their revolutionary beliefs.”

Director Zeng Jianfeng promotes “Overseas Chinese Heroine Li Lin” (photo provided by the organizer)

When promoting “Overseas Chinese Heroine Li Lin”, director Zeng Jianfeng burst into tears and almost choked up while talking about the entire film. “Our protagonist, Martyr Li Yun, was born in Zhangzhou and grew up in an overseas Chinese family with excellent financial resources. Influenced by the party’s education and revolutionary ideals and beliefs, he gave up his superior life and devoted himself to the magnificent cause of national salvation.”

83 years later, Zeng Jianfeng was very excited to be able to bring Li Lin’s wonderful life to the big screen. He said, “This is our honor, and it also fulfills the admiration wishes of generations of Zhangzhou people, Fujian people, Shanxi people, and Chinese people.” .”

“Movies are not just about mountains and rivers, they must also contain conceptual content to become an excellent movie.” Huang Heshui, a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Xiamen University and an expert at the Think Tank, told the Daily Economic News reporter on the sidelines of the event. , this is just like a tourist attraction. If it can only attract tourists to take one or two photos and then leave, it means that the development is not in-depth enough and it has not created immersive content that combines material and spiritual enjoyment. “I look forward to the future when more filmmakers can use their lenses to capture the pioneering and fighting spirit of our Fujian people. Through movies, audiences can have a deeper understanding of Fujian’s cultural heritage and the important contributions we have made in national development. “

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