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Long queues to get vaccinated without an appointment at the Fira de Barcelona

Hundreds of people have returned to do long colas this sunday for get vaccinated against coronavirus on the Fira de Barcelona, one of the two points enabled in the city to get vaccinated with out PRIVIOUSE appointment. Some of the people have been queuing since the early morning to be able to secure their dose. The organizers have distributed 500 numbers to access the vaccine, which have been sold out in just a couple of hours.

The fear of the advance of the variant omicron and the proximity of the Christmas gatherings has caused long lines outside the fairgrounds, both of people who had scheduled your third dose as well as unimmunized citizens who do not need an appointment. The queues have reached the Avenida de Maria Cristina.

To this is added the compulsory covid certificate to access restaurants, residences and sports centers, which has prompted users to get vaccinated for the first time.

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