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Long Covid sufferers need to monitor symptoms for 12 weeks, these are post-infection recovery tips

Illustration of a Covid-19 medical officer. [Suara.com/Eko Faizin]

Siswanto provides a number of tips for post-COVID-19 recovery.

SuaraJogja.id – The decline in the number of active cases of Covid-19 seems to be followed by the emergence of long covid, namely prolonged complaints experienced Covid-19 survivor.

Lung Specialist at the UGM Academic Hospital, Dr. Siswanto, explained that this condition is commonly found in patients with moderate, severe, and critical severity, as well as patients with comorbidities, but it is also possible for patients with mild categories.

“The ones most at risk are people with diabetes mellitus, heart failure, hypertension, metabolic disease, and chronic lung disease. In addition, those that carry risks are also coincidental diseases, for example when exposed to COVID along with tuberculosis or other complications,” he explained.

According to Siswanto, COVID-19 survivors need to monitor symptoms or complaints that occur up to 12 weeks from the onset or appearance of the first symptoms.

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Patients who receive treatment at the hospital are advised to do a control one to two weeks after discharge from the hospital. Furthermore, control was carried out again at the sixth or eighth week from onset.

“For those who go to the hospital, we usually calculate how many weeks after the onset they are in the position and when they should come back for control,” he said.

After 12 weeks, the patient can be confirmed to have recovered completely or not seen from the presence or absence of radiological symptoms or abnormalities or laboratory results.

For patients who are self-isolating at home, he advised to immediately see a doctor if after four weeks they are still experiencing symptoms, either the same symptoms that appear for the first time or new symptoms.

He admitted that he found many patients who were self-isolating due to the limited capacity of hospital treatment, but after examination they were found to have moderate or severe degrees of severity.

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“Don’t hesitate for the public to check if they didn’t have symptoms like this before being exposed to COVID, but after COVID-19 has symptoms, whatever it is, you should consult,” he explained.

Siswanto provides a number of tips for post-COVID-19 recovery, namely consuming high-protein and low-carbohydrate foods, doing intermittent fasting or a fasting diet, getting 6-8 hours of quality sleep at night, and consuming more vitamins C, D, B, E, and so on. antioxidants. In addition, survivors are advised to avoid stress and control comorbidities.

“Our body has a mechanism to repair organs that are damaged by cells, it’s called autophagy. This process needs a stimulus, there needs to be a certain conditioning,” he explained.

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