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Long-Covid: Salzburg footballer Felix Ebner talks about illness

For Felix Ebner, running miracle and midfield engine, football is at SV Wals-Grünau, currently not to think about. The 28-year-old is on Long-Covid fell ill, physical exertion has had painful consequences for him ever since. “I went through the first soccer training session in June as normal and thought nothing during that time, but after that I felt really bad,” he remembers. “I felt a real pulling and stinging sensation in my lungs, it felt like a sore muscles in my lungs.” Ebner struggled with pain for a week after the training session, he reports.

Felix Ebner about corona disease

The man from Salzburg fell ill with the corona virus in November 2020. “It hit me harder. I had aching limbs, headaches and in the meantime lost my sense of smell and taste, ”explains Ebner. After ten days he was back on the dam.

After his Covid 19 illness, the 28-year-old consciously let the sport rest for a long time, there was a long break in the Salzburg football lower house anyway. “During this time, we kept ourselves fit with exercises at home. I was able to do this as normal and I didn’t think anything about it, ”emphasizes the midfield engine.

“Something is wrong with me!”

Only after that momentous training in June did Ebner realize: “Something is wrong with me!” The severe pain caused him to go to the doctor. A pulmonologist diagnosed Long-Covid in Salzburg. “I have weakness in the respiratory muscles or diaphragm.”

Special breathing mask should help

The 28-year-old then went to several doctors, went to physiotherapy and to an osteopath. “I was then given a special breathing mask that is also used in rehab.” He uses it to specifically train his respiratory muscles, inhaling and exhaling with resistance, and it can also be used to regulate the oxygen supply.

Two weeks ago, Ebner tried his hand at the football field again for the first time, training with his team. “I didn’t feel anything during the unit, after which I felt pain again,” he reports.

Long-Covid: Was nun?

What’s next for the Long Covid patient? “I am currently trying to find a place in the outpatient rehab in Salzburg. You can visit this part-time, ”he explains. The disease affects him not only as an amateur soccer player, but also in his job as a gymnastics and German teacher in a new middle school. “I wouldn’t be able to demonstrate any exercises in gymnastics lessons like this,” says Ebner. The pain also accompanies him in everyday life: “Sneezing hurts, the turning movement when reversing out of parking spaces is also painful.” The higher the load, the stronger the pain later.


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The illness puts a strain on the regional league kicker not only physically, but also mentally: “It’s not easy for me because it concerns me every day. Especially since football is my great passion and I can no longer pursue it from one day to the next. ”Ebner’s hope:“ The doctor said that this diaphragmatic weakness will go away again. ”By then at the latest, the running miracle should be back on the football field be. The 28-year-old does a lot to ensure that this happens sooner rather than later.

(Source: SALZBURG24)

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