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Long Covid Features That Make Covid-19 Sufferers Experience Symptoms for Months

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Even though he has recovered and tested negative Covid-19, but not all of them can return to their normal health.

Reported NHS, for some people, Covid-19 can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the virus is gone from the body.

This condition is commonly referred to as Long Covid.

How long it will take to recover from Covid-19 varies for each person.

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Many people feel better within a few days or weeks and most will recover completely within 12 weeks.

But for some people, the symptoms can last longer.

The likelihood of experiencing long-term symptoms doesn’t seem to be related to how sick you were when you first got it Covid-19.

Even people who have mild symptoms at first can still have long-term problems.

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Research about Long Covid

Quoted from Kompas.com, a new study shows that nearly one-third of patients exposed to Covid-19 can experience symptoms that last up to nine months.

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