The massive vaccination campaign against Covid “has positive consequences also on the post-illness”. This was confirmed by Adnkronos Salute Massimo Andreoni, head of infectious disease at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome and scientific director of the Italian Society of Infectious and Tropical Diseases (Simit), along the same lines as the infectious specialist Matteo Bassetti who underlined how “in 2022 the post-illness is milder thanks to vaccines”, compared to the heavier cases of long Covid recorded in 2020-21.
“We are trying to better define this type of analysis, but I would say that there is a difference between long Covid after the vaccination campaign and cases seen in the period in which we did not have the vaccine – Andreoni highlights – The feeling is therefore that immunization protects against long Covid. I must say that it was not taken for granted “. The expert explains in fact that,” despite having a less aggressive disease today, it does not mean that there could not be consequences afterwards. In fact, in the first phase of the pandemic, long Covid was also recorded in those who have had mild forms of the disease “. Therefore,” vaccination immunity could actually reduce post Covid “.
And the unvaccinated? “They are much less – replies the infectious disease specialist – and post Covid affects a third of patients. It is clear that those who are not vaccinated risk having, after the disease, some more consequences, even very similar to those we saw in the 2020-21 “.