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London has spoken out about dropping sanctions against Russia

Sanctions against Russia are a last resort, which should be lifted only after a “complete ceasefire and withdrawal” from Ukraine. This was stated by British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss for the Sunday Telegraph.

According to her, Moscow must also commit to a future policy without further aggression, or face the prospect of sanctions being imposed again.

The West had to remain “firm in order to achieve peace,” she said.

The United Kingdom, the United States and the EU have so far imposed sanctions on more than 1,000 Russian individuals and companies.

This week, Moscow announced it would reorient its military operations in Ukraine to the east. The move was interpreted by many as a sign that the Kremlin is seeking to reduce the invasion, which has so far made significantly less progress than expected.

The foreign minister said earlier that he believed the peace talks were a “smokescreen” designed to divert attention from Russia’s actions and give its armed forces time to regroup.

She does not believe that the Russian authorities are serious in the negotiations.

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