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London calls new coronavirus threat “serious and imminent” …

7:36 am: There is a risk of infection by people who have not traveled to China, warns the WHO

The spread of the new coronavirus outside of China could increase with the transmission of the disease by people who have never traveled to that country, warned the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday.

“There have been disturbing cases of the spread of # 2019nCoV by people with no travel history” in China, tweeted Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus using the temporary scientific name of the virus.

While the spread of the epidemic outside of China seems rather measured, Tedros Ghebreyesus warned that it could accelerate: “Containment (of the virus) remains our objective, but all countries must use the window of opportunity created by the containment strategy to prepare for the possible arrival of the virus “

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