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London and Madrid’s new push for Gibraltar hits old barriers

The new Labour government and its easy-going Foreign Secretary, David Lammyhave stuck out their chests in Brussels together with their Spanish counterpart, Jose Manuel Albaresthe Vice-President of the European Commission and the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo. It has become a political ritual over the last 40 years that when London or Madrid have a new government, it announces fresh air in the old dispute over the autonomous territory, as London wants to call it, since the word colony does not reflect, according to the Foreign Officethe current relationship between Gibraltar and the Metropolis.

The issue of vocabulary is not trivial, since political relations between Spain y United Kingdom respect to Gibraltar They are filled with suspicion in all three directions. Fabian Picardo She often remembers that her grandmother was unable to attend a relative’s funeral. Campo why Franco had closed the gate, in 1969, in that challenge to the dictatorship that, with the closure, “Gibraltar will fall like a ripe fruit.” The gate was opened in 1985 in a new push given to them by the governments of that time in Madrid y London.
The meetings held a few days ago dealt with an agenda of post-conflict issues. Brexit. Los Gibraltarians voted 95.9% (19,322 votes) in favor of remaining in the European Union and 4.1% (823 votes) in favour of leaving, with a turnout of 83.5%. Regardless of their wishes, they have been seeking an agreement for four years that would set new rules, as a result of the Brexiton issues such as the free movement of people and goods, the use of airport installed, according to Spainillegally on Spanish soil, border control (puertoland and airport) between the European Union y United Kingdomthe harmonisation of taxes and pensions for Gibraltarians and Spaniards working there, and regulations on ecology.
There are several possibilities being considered regarding border control, ranging from the disappearance of the Defend and the maintenance of the puerto y airport that could have flights again to Madrid o Barcelona. Border control could be carried out by the European Frontex o to Spanish policenevertheless, Gibraltar does not want uniformed or armed Spanish agents on its soil. The British custom for regular surveillance is that of unarmed policemen.

At the end of the meetings, the parties published a statement in which they said that “progress” had been made in a “positive and progressive” framework in which they will continue to meet. Historical sovereignty and the waters, which are often disturbed by fishermen who fish outside the border, have, however, become taboos. These are topics that are not touched upon, or are left on the back burner for the moment, because they cause problems and reproaches such as that of the grandmother of Fabian PicardoDeclarations of good intentions, like breaths of fresh air for negotiation, are also a habit or a tradition in the dispute that has lasted more than 300 years.

If it takes four years to agree on border control, the use of airport or the movement of people and goods post Brexitthe tax agreement or the harmonization of taxes or pensions, will take even longer. After the closure of the British barracks, the Crag has been transformed into a international casino There are 14,000 registered companies, of which 12,600 are active according to official figures from the Gibraltar Government. Among these, betting and gambling companies stand out, which have abandoned United Kingdom to land in the sun that warms the most. The favorable regime of low tax pressure, lack of tariffs and duties or little bureaucracy for companies has made Gibraltar a mini-Singapore in it Mediterranean with a population of 32,000 inhabitants and 15,000 Spaniards who enter the country every day coloniao autonomous territoryto work.

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Image: Depositphotos.com.

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