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Lola Rasoamaharo case. What happened suddenly to this Federation of unknown journalists?

According to the census carried out in September 2021, there are 1,509 Malagasy journalists included in the professional category (” Professional “) in Madagascar, distributed in 23 regions in our country, and has a card related to it, which only the OJM can legally issue.

There are many press organizations in Madagascar. There are in every field: sports, environment, tourism, entertainment… But when it comes to the general political field, the following are my elements because there are many people who know:

Association of Journalists and cultural organizers of Madagascar (SONG). Domoina Ratsara was one of the founders of it on January 24, 2012. It is a matter of general culture.

Association women Journalists of Madagascar (AFJM)established in 2018, with more than 600 female journalists as members, excelling in many fields.

Association of Political Columnists (ACHROPOL). It was established 20 years ago (2003) with Johary Ravoajanahary (TVM) as its President.

Free Association of Journalists of Madagascar (ALJM)was established in 2006 in Farafangana.

Association of Private Radio Journalists (AJRP)was established in 2010 with Soava Andriamarotafika as its President.

South West Regional Journalists Association (FMGFAA)founded by Mr. Charles Raza Malaivandy in 2006.

But there are also organizations like CDJs and ILONTSERA.

The first is the Association of Senior Journalists (“Club of Senior Journalists”), rose on August 18, 1993, 30 years ago. Dany Be (Daniel Rakotoseheno) and Ralehilahy (Rémi Rahajarizafy) who were part of the CDJ have passed away.

The second is an independent organization created by Monique Rakotoanosy, and was officially established in October 2015. It is a platform that mainly monitors the world of journalism and the world of general communication.

The OJM was established according to decree 74-112 of March 27, 1974. Some of the journalists who appear as their fathers, were not even born at that time. What he wants to see for the health of his pocket is to flatter those who he thinks are doing a thousand-year-old politics who know nothing but: Me, my family, my country (“me, my family, my country”).

But in front of the effective way, is the law 2020-006 about “Code of Mediated Communication”the OJM (“Order of Journalists of Madagascar »), or the Journalists in Madagascar.

Regarding the case of Lola Rasoamaharo, the President of OJM, Mrs. Harimbola Monica Rasoloarison, has made a statement on the microphone of Tv Plus Madagascar, on March 27, 2023:

“The case of Lola Rasoamaharo?” He was a journalist first. He is in court, and the Madagascar Journalist Forum allows the court to do its work. But monitor this matter closely because it is a procedure in the office to DELETE (Check, Investigate and Accountability). We are still in control, and in the investigation, because common law offense it is, so far, whether it is a simple criminal offense but not in that press offense or offenses related to journalism. We are in control and in the investigation because like Holafitra in all the work, it is about the work that the Ordre des Journalistes de Madagascar defends.

This March 27, 2023 also appeared suddenly “Federation of Associations of Journalists of Madagascar” that’s it. After a very deep search, this group does not exist at all, it was created by journalists who are not ignorant. The following are the contents of their statement: Fidèle Razara Pierre, Fernand Cello, Heinkaja Rakotomanantsoa, ​​Gascar Fenosoa, Domoina Rasamoelson, Harifidy Ramanandraibe, brother of Itompokolahy Maurice Tsihiavonana and Itompokolahy Tsiambakaina Delphin, a classmate of mine in high school. Gallieni in Andohalo.

They know me very well. What he doesn’t know is that Lola and I have been friends since the early 1960s. I know his character very well… You can even ask. So it’s not you children who will appear much later and manage to disobey the law because they don’t know what is written in the existing law. That is « condemn the arrest of journalists » It is always in the minds of Malagasy people who use social networks like Facebook. Why is it that this journalist is not really a person but a little god who has fallen to earth and is allowed to do and say what he knows without being reprimanded or punished at all? Maybe that’s what these members think about this “Federation” Is this the ghost itself? It’s his but, so far, nothing seems to have happened “analysis” all done by these guys… But, like “Lift Up Your Skirt”, then the RN44 that was programmed to be… amazing will be finished. Conclusion: the creative ways of people like this will make it even worse. But the journalists in general and the journalism as a whole in Madagascar are losing their respect and dignity. Fetra is not mentioned at all, why not? “journalist” ?

And there was this message conveyed to me, from professional journalists in the region: “Who are the Razoky people who claim to be journalists in Madagascar?” ». Are you crying because there is no one in the area?

This is what the French say “to make an arrow of any wood” (taking advantage of any situation to divert him for his own benefit and/or for his family members); ” Birds of a feather flock together “ (combine automatically those who seem to have the same passion even if they don’t know each other well); “the enemies of my enemies are my friends” (the enemy of my enemy is my friend). I don’t think “fuel” is expensive now…

So far, it is known that these guys are not very established in the journalism industry. What exactly attracts them all? Apart from Domoina Rasamoelson, whose heavy problems I know are not discussed here…

It is your right to “Monitoring and monitoring this matter closely”. But…

The above mentioned first ” penal procedure “ : available « permanence » (no need to translate) always in the court, even at night, Saturday and Sunday or holidays. And the “detention period” (time the accused is detained), no more than 48 hours. Looking for « interventions » Lola was never seen again. The truth is that they all turned their backs. Even in court. Then read verse 136 above. Translate into Malagasy for your listeners and readers… That’s what it’s called “Intellectual Honesty”.

Jeannot RAMAMBAZAFY – March 28, 2023

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