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Loire-Atlantique: an urbanization project abandoned but a district of 230 housing units will be created

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During the last municipal council, October 18, 2023the concerted development zone (Zac) of Coët-Rozic was abandoned.

230 housing units instead of a minimum of 370

This space south of the town of Pontchâteau (Loire-Atlantique) was intended to become a new residential area comprising between 370 to 470 housing units.

Only the area north of the Zac can be urbanized on plots belonging to a private owner, but for the equivalent of 230 housing units.

A file born in 2008

The reflection launched in 2008 gave rise to the creation at the end of 2014 of the Zac with the choice of a developer, Loire-Atlantique development (Ex-Sela). Over the years, the environmental regulations evolved and the project became less and less coherent.

Environmental protection

The CNPN, national nature protection commission and the MRAE, regional environmental authority mission, expressed very strong reservations during soil studies both on environmental issues, due to the presence of wetlands and landscapes, the lack of consideration of protection…

Danielle Cornet, mayor of Pontchâteau

The studies were in-depth, but as Danielle Cornet explains to the Echo of the peninsula, “land sobriety has led us to put an end to the urbanization of 11 hectares out of the 17 buildable (and on the 55 hectares that Zac represents, Editor’s note)« .

The municipality preferred to give up this space close to plots classified Natura 2000.

A cost of €606,327

A pioneering choice, reinforced by the Climate and Resilience Law in 2022 and which made Danielle Cornet say, “that the City is in tune with today’s context. With climate change, it is in our interest to protect these spaces and to protect is to do something. The regulations with La Zan, Zero net artificialization, have become stricter for the protection of nature. ».

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But this decision is not without cost: €606,327 must be paid by the municipality for the final operating balance including the cost of studies, the costs of infrastructure carried out… and the acquisition of a plot acquired after 2016 by Sela in addition to land in the past and in municipal land.

“A collective conscience about the environment”

This space will therefore be preserved from any urbanization even as the City attracts new households and the real estate market is tense in Loire-Atlantique.

The announcement of this definitive shutdown did not spark any particular debate within the population, adds the mayor.

Collective awareness of the environment is stronger. We are involved in this, among other things, with the Vallon des butineurs which is very close. This orientation is, it seems to me, understood by the residents because it is coherent.

Danielle Cornet

Around 230 accommodations

However, if 11 hectares are preserved from construction, 6 others will accommodate a new district, north of the late Zac.

This is’a housing project on private property, with around 230 housing units at stake, “with a mix of small collectives and diversity of housing. This part is the most connected to the city center. The procedures are underway. »

Renovate in the city center

For its part, the City is continuing its work to revise its PLU, Local Urban Planning Plan.

This renunciation does not call into question its objective of producing 115 housing units per year as defined by the PLH (local housing program).

We no longer think in terms of extension, but of urban renewal. The Small Towns of Tomorrow program and Opah, planned housing improvement operation, support owners with these renovations. Three operations are underway in the city center.

Danielle Cornet

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2023-11-21 01:04:01
#LoireAtlantique #urbanization #project #abandoned #district #housing #units #created

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