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Logitech makes mechanical keyboards with emoji buttons

Extra keys in addition to standard are not uncommon on keyboards and can consist of everything from media buttons to freely programmable “blank” keys. Now the Logitech concept takes extra buttons in a slightly different direction with a series of keys specifically designed for emojis.

As part of Logitech’s new Studio series, they are launching the Pop Keys keyboard, a retro-inspired model whose round keys are reminiscent of older typewriters. It is a compact model without numpad and some other keys like Home and End. On the side are the so-called emoji keys, which are basically ordinary programmable buttons. It is thus possible to configure them for basically anything, however, it comes with emoji-adapted software and interchangeable keys with different emojis on.

Pop Keys is a mechanical keyboard and under the hood are Logitech’s own tactile brown switches. It is wirelessly connected with either the included dongle or Bluetooth and is powered by three AAA batteries. The supplied batteries are not rechargeable and, according to Logitech, should last for about three years before they need to be replaced.

The keyboards are already available for purchase in the US for $ 99, equivalent to just under SEK 1,100 including VAT. According to Logitech, Pop Keys will be available in Europe “soon”, exactly when and at what price, however, remains to be seen.

Do you use emojis often enough to need keyboard shortcuts?

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