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Lock San Siro. God (of the press) bless Ibra. The motionless dance of Gigio and Calha

The difference in performance between the Rossoneri’s home and away games is abysmal this season, also considering the Europa League where Pioli’s team was eliminated unbeaten in away games. There is no public and therefore it changes little, experts say, but doubters like me don’t believe it. First of all, the attitude of the teams at home is very different compared to when they travel, especially from the mid-table down. Secondly, statistics can be deceiving but large numbers always have meaning. In recent weeks it has happened several times that I have pressed Stefano Pioli on the subject, which is the subject of study and research by him and his staff. I empirically think that at San Siro sometimes it went wrong (Rome, Verona, Parma), against 3 big players Milan presented themselves in very bad conditions with numerous and heavy absences (Atalanta, Juventus and Inter) and finally they failed the attitude sensationally. as against Udinese, Napoli and in particular Sampdoria. Total: the beauty of at least 9 points is missing, limiting ourselves to the first and last games mentioned, leaving aside those with the big ones.

On the road it happened only in La Spezia not to enter the field with his head and legs, while only the first leg derby and the Udinese match were a bit “dirty” in the sense that the Nerazzurri were superior in the second half and they ate at least 2 sensational goals, while in Udine for a defensive gullibility and a bad management of the advantage he was ending in a draw, but Ibrae solved it with a spell of his own. It is the only interpretation that I was able to give in this analysis, coming to the conclusion that it is absolutely necessary to absolutely change the register in the remaining home games. Starting with Genoa.

There are many directors, editors and managers who dance and toast to every straw that the wind carries with the initials of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. This week, for example, more than a straw allowed them to calmly overlook the unacceptable motivation of the sports judge after the imaginative expulsion of Parma, but instead allowed them to: 1) invent another survey after the one on many penalties ( “Do you think Ibrahimovic is doing a little too much?”, Wonderful avant-garde journalism); 2) ride the Swedish press, which in the national team no longer wants him even on a poster, with the story of participation in a Maltese company (!) That deals with international betting, which is why UEFA is considering fining him, disqualifying him, radiating him , deflate the tires of the car; 3) invent the forced opening of a restaurant closed in the red zone for illegal libations, deliberately neglecting facts, testimonies and videos that say something else.

But sorry: between Gasperini who makes a fight with an anti-doping agent, companies that do not pay salaries and cards but renew to everyone (obviously on word …) with speed and foresight, Ronaldo who at the end of the game (won) throws the shirt (because he did not score and ate a couple of goals) to the poor ball boy who also gets a fine (had you escaped?), Rovella (who?) valued 20 million even if it is about to expire, Lotito who plays the positives, Dazn buying the rights and then the game gets stuck, the biggest corrupt university to promote Suarez, don’t you think Ibrahimovic always makes more news anyway? Do you absolutely deserve first pages and the widest space?

Like the motionless dance on the renewal of Donnarumma (destined for Juve without a lira or for the emirate of PSG, it doesn’t matter) that fills pages, newscasts and talkshows. I repeat that we will talk about it at the end of the season, the rest is a bar. There are conditions beyond which Milan does not want to go having made the maximum effort, with him and with Calhanoglu: it is up to them to accept. I remain optimistic, now perhaps moderately and no longer too bold as in recent months because I have guiltily underestimated one aspect: the heart and the shirt are certainly at the top of the players’ affections until proven otherwise, but the brain and the wallet are well balances on that of the prosecutors. The Milan club has always known this, but I have always thought that a cocktail could be made between the parties.

But in this historical phase an ingredient is missing, as if it were ice or soda: common sense. And when this word is at stake, I will always and in any case be with Paolo Maldini. Know that.

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